


Book Chapters

  1. Guber, A.K.,  Y.A. Pachepsky, A.M. Yakirevich, D.R. Shelton, A.M. Sadeghi, D.C. Goodrich, C. L. Unkrich. 2012. STWIR, a Microorganism Transport with Infiltration and Runoff add-on Module for the KINEROS2 Runoff and Erosion Model, Documentation and User Manual: v.2.04.
  2. Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K.,  Yakirevich, A.M., Pan, F., Gish, T.J., Kouznetsov, M.Y., Van Genuchten, M. T., Cady, R.E. 2015. Integrating Model Abstraction into Monitoring Strategies. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Publication NUREG/CR. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Washington, DC.
  3. Guber, A. K., Pachepsky, Y. A. 2010. Multimodeling with Pedotransfer Functions. Documentation and User Manual for PTF Calculator (CalcPTF). United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin.
  4. Guber, A. K., Pachepsky, Y. A., Yakirevich, A. M., Shelton, D. R., Sadeghi, A.M., Goodrich D.C., Unkrich, C.L. 2010. STWIR, a microorganism transport with infiltration and runoff add-on module for the KINEROS2 runoff and erosion model: documentation and user manual. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin.
  5. Pachepsky, Y. A., Gish, T. J., Guber, A. K., Yakirevich, A. M., Kuznetsov, M. Y., Nicholson, T. J., Cady, R. E. Application of model abstraction techniques to simulate transport in soils. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Publication NUREG/CR-7026. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Washington, DC.
  6. Guber, A.K. 2007. Measurement of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity: The method of constant pressure tubes. pp. 256-258. In Shein, E.V. and L.O. Karpachevsky (Eds.) Theory of Methods of Soil Physics. “Grif and Co” Publisher House, Tula, Russia.
  7. Guber, A.K. 2007. Calculation of solute transport parameters from the breakthrough experimental data using solute transport models. Pp. 363-372. In Shein, E.V. and L.O. Karpachevsky (Eds.) Theory of Methods of Soil Physics. “Grif and Co” Publisher House, Tula, Russia.
  8. Guber, A.K. 2007. Solute breakthrough experiment. 2007. pp. 345-360. In Shein, E.V. and L.O. Karpachevsky (Eds.) Theory of Methods of Soil Physics. “Grif and Co” Publisher House, Tula, Russia
  9. Tymbaev, V.G., A.V. Dembovetsky, A.K. Guber. 2007. Assessment of soil hydraulic properties using Pedotransfer Functions. pp. 304-338. In Shein, E.V. and L.O. Karpachevsky (Eds.) Theory of Methods of Soil Physics. “Grif and Co” Publisher House, Tula, Russia. 
  10. Guber, A.K. 2007. Unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity: The field infiltrometer method. pp. 266-270. In Shein, E.V. and L.O. Karpachevsky (Eds.) Theory of Methods of Soil Physics. “Grif and Co” Publisher House, Tula, Russia.
  11. Shein E. V., A. K. Guber, A. V. Dembovetsky. 2004. Key soil water contents. In: Y. Pachepsky and W. J. Rawls (Eds.), ”Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology”, 30, Amsterdam, Elsevier : 241-249.
  12. Guber A. K., Y. A. Pachepsky. 2004. Soil aggregates and water retention. In: Y. Pachepsky and W. J. Rawls (Eds.), ”Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology”, 30, Amsterdam, Elsevier: 143-151.
  13. Guber A. K., T. A. Arhangelskaya. 2001. An evidence of a special hydrothermal regime in Grey Forest soil with the second humus horizon. In: “Scale effects in soil studies”. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp. 186-195. (In Rus).
  14. Smagin A. V., N. B. Sadovnikova, M. B. Smagina, M. B. Glagolev, E. M. Shevchenko, D. D. Khaidapova, A. K. Guber. 2001. Modelling dynamics of organic matter in soils. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, 120 pp. (In Rus).
  15. Guber A K. 2001.Methods of hydraulic properties evaluation using soil texture (pedotransfer functions). In: E. V. Shein (Ed.) “Field and laboratory methods to study physical properties and regimes in soils”. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp.69-78. (In Rus).
  16. Guber A K. 2001. Measurement of water conductivity in soils. In: E. V. Shein (Ed.) “Field and laboratory methods to study physical properties and regimes in soils”. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp.79-102. (In Rus).
  17. Guber A K., E. V. Shein. 2001. Evaluation of hydrodynamic dispersion using breakthrough curve for chloride ion. In: E. V. Shein (Ed.) “Field and laboratory methods to study physical properties and regimes in soils”. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp.103-115. (In Rus).
  18. Guber A K. 2001. Calculations of soil hydro-chemical parameters using breakthrough curves. In: E. V. Shein (Ed.) “Field and laboratory methods to study physical properties and regimes in soils”. Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp.128-138. (In Rus).
  19. Guber A. K. 2000. Water movement forecasting model in soils under compaction. In: R. Horn, J.J.H. van den Akker and J. Arvidsson (Eds) “Subsoil compaction: distribution, processes and consequences”. Advances in Geoecology 32, Reiskirchen, Catena Verlag, pp. 97-106.
  20. Guber A. K., N. A. Perekrestova, M. V. Prokhorov. 2000. Seasonal water content dynamic of Grey forest soils. In: Nenaydenko (Ed.) “Improving agricultural production technology in the Upper Volga region”, v.2, pp. 29-37.  (in Rus).
  21. Shein E. V., A. K. Guber, A. V. Dembovetsky. 1997. Сalculating hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils using hydrological constants and Atterberg limits. In: van Genuchten, M. Th, F. J. Leij, and L. Wu ( Eds.), “Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media”.  Proceedings of the International Workshop. Riverside, California, October 22-24, 1997. University of California, Riverside. pp. 1005-1010.
  22. Zeiliguer A. M., A. K. Guber, V. M. Sinukov, R. B. Shaidullin. 1990. Design and data processing of field experiment on water flow. Trans. NPO Ugmelioratsia, Novotcherkassk, pp. 122-129. (In Rus.)


Journal Articles

  1. Guber, A.K,  E. Blagodatskaya, A. Juyak, B.S. Rasavi, Y. Kuzyakov, and A.N. Kravchenko. 2021. Time-lapse approach to correct deficiencies of 2D soil zymography. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 157, 108225.
  2. Kravchenko, A.N., H. Zheng, Y. Kuzyakov, G.P. Robertson, A.K. Guber. 2021. Belowground interplant carbon transfer promotes soil carbon gains in diverse plant communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 159, 1082.
  3. Kim, K., T. Kutlu, A.N. Kravchenko, A.K. Guber. 2021. Dynamics of N2O in vicinity of plant residues: a microsensor approach. Plant and Soil
  4. Kravchenko, A.N., A.K. Guber, B. S. Rasavi, J. Koestel, M.Y. Quigley, G. P. Robertson, and Y. Kuzyakov. 2020. Reply to: “Variables in the effect of land use on soil extrapore enzymatic activity and carbon stabilization” by Glenn (2020). Nature Communications 11:6427. 
  5. Guber, A., T. Kutlu, M. Rivers, A. Kravchenko. 2020. Mass-balance approach to quantify water distribution in soils based on X-ray computed tomography images. European Journal of Soil Science
  6. Kravchenko, A., A. Guber,  A. Gunina, M. Dippold, Ya, Kuzyakov. 2020. Pore-scale view of microbial turnover: Combining 14C imaging, mCT and zymography after adding soluble carbon to soil pores of specific sizes. European Journal of Soil Science.
  7. Kim, K., A.K. Guber, M.L. Rivers, A.N. Kravchenko, 2020.  Contribution of decomposing plant roots to N2O emissions by water absorption. Geoderma 375.
  8. Zheng, H., Kim, K., Kravchenko, A., Rivers, M., Guber, A. 2020. Testing Os staining approach for visualizing soil organic matter patterns in intact samples via X-ray dual-Energy tomography scanning. Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54 (14), 8980-8989.
  9. Bilyera N, Kuzyakova, I., Guber, A., Razavi B.S., Kuzyakov, Ya. 2020. How "hot" are hotspots: Statistically localizing the high-activity areas on soil and rhizosphere images. Rhizosphere 16, 100259.
  10. Fry, J., A.K. Guber. 2020. Temporal stability of field-scale patterns in soil water content across topographically diverse agricultural landscapes. J. Hygrology 580: 124260.
  11. Guber, A.K., Kravchenko, A.N., Razavi, B.S., Blagodatskaya, E., Kuzyakov, Y. 2019. Calibration of 2-D soil zymography for correct analysis of enzyme distribution. European Journal of Soil Science 70(4): 715-726.
  12. Roy, P.C., Guber, A., Abouali, Deb, K., Smucker, A.J.M. 2019. Simulation optimization of water usage and crop yield using precision irrigation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 11411 LNCS: 695-706.
  13. Kravchenko, A.N.. A.K. Guber, B. S. Rasavi, J. Koestel, M.Y. Quigley, G. P. Robertson, and Y. Kuzyakov. 2019. Microbial spatial footprint as a driver of soil carbon stabilization. Nature Communications.
  14. Kravchenko, A.N., A.K. Guber, B.S.Razavi, J.Koestel, E.V. Blagodatskaya, Y.Kuzyakov. 2019. Spatial patterns of extracellular enzymes: combining X-ray computed micro-tomography and 2D zymography. Soil Biol. Biochem., 135: 411-419.
  15. Razavi, B.S., X. Zhang, N. Bilyera, A. Guber, M. Zarebanadkouki. 2019. Soil zymography: Simple and reliable? Review of current knowledge and suggested optimization of method. Rhizosphere 11.
  16. Roy, P.C., Guber, A., Abouali, Deb, K., Smucker, A.J.M. 2019. Crop yield simulation optimization using precision irrigation and subsurface water retention technology Environmental Modelling and Software 119: 433-444.
  17. Ma, X., Mason-Jones, K., Liu, Y., Guber, A.K., Dippold, M.A., Razavi, B.S. 2019. Coupling zymography with pH mapping reveals a shift in lupine phosphorus acquisition strategy driven by cluster root. Soil Biol. Biochem., 135, pp. 420-428.
  18. Guber A., Kravchenko A., Razavi B.,  Uteau D., Peth S., Blagodatskaya E., Kuzyakov Y. 2018. Quantitative soil zymography: Mechanisms, processes of substrate and enzyme diffusion in porous media. Soil Biol. Biochem., 127: 156-167.
  19. Kravchenko, A.N., Guber, A.K., Quigley, M.Y., Koestel, J., Gandhi, H., Ostrom, N.E. 2018. X-ray computed tomography to predict soil N2O production via bacterial denitrification and N2O emission in contrasting bioenergy cropping systems. GCB Bioenergy 10(11): 894-909.
  20. Quigley, M.Y., Negassa, W.C., Guber, A.K., Rivers, M.L., Kravchenko, A.N. 2018. Influence of pore characteristics on the fate and distribution of newly added carbon. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6(JUN), 51.
  21. Kravchenko, A.N., Fry, J.E., Guber, A.K. 2018. Water absorption capacity of soil-incorporated plant leaves can affect N2O emissions and soil inorganic N concentrations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 121: 113-119.
  22. Stocker M., Yakirevich A., Guber A., Martinez G., Blaustein R., Whelan G., Goodrich D., Shelton D., Pachepsky Y. 2018. Functional Evaluation of Three Manure-Borne Indicator Bacteria Release Models with Multiyear Field Experiment Data, Water, Air & Soil Pollution 229:181.
  23. Kutlu, T., Guber, A.K., Rivers, M.L., Kravchenko, A.N. 2018. Moisture absorption by plant residue in soil. Geoderma, 316: 47-55.
  24. Bhalsod, G.D., Chuang, Y.-H., Jeon, S., Gui, W., Li, H., Ryser, E.T., Guber, A.K., Zhang, W. 2018. Uptake and Accumulation of Pharmaceuticals in Overhead- and Surface-Irrigated Greenhouse Lettuce. J. Agric. Food Chem., 66: 822–830. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04355
  25. Kravchenko A.N., Guber A.K. Soil pores and their contributions to soil carbon processes. 2017. Geoderma, 287: 31-39.
  26. Fry J., Guber A.K., Ladoni M., Munoz J.D., Kravchenko A.N. 2017. The effect of up-scaling soil properties and model parameters on predictive accuracy of DSSAT crop simulation model under variable weather conditions. Geoderma, 316: 105-115.
  27. Kravchenko A.N., Toosi E.R., Guber A.K., Ostrom N.E., Yu J., Azeem K., Rivers M. L., Robertson G.P. 2017. Hotspots of soil N2O emission enhanced through water absorption by plant residue. Nature Geoscience.
  28. Toosi E.R., Kravchenko A.N., Guber A.K., Rivers M.L. 2017. Pore characteristics regulate priming and fate of carbon from plant residue. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 113: 219-230.
  29. Smucker, A.J.M., Yang, Z., Guber, A.K., He, X.C., Lai, F.H. and Berhanu, S. 2016. A new revolutionary technology to feed billions by establishing sustainable agriculture on small and large landscapes including urban regions globally. IJDR 10: 9596-9602.
  30. Iqbal S., A.K Guber, H. Z. Khana. 2016. Estimating nitrogen losses after compost application in furrow irrigated soils of Pakistan using HYDRUS-2D software. Agricultural Water Management, 168: 85-95.
  31. Kim K., G. Whelan, M. Molina, S.T. Purucker, Y. Pachepsky, A. Guber, M.J. Cyterski, D.H. Franklin, R.A. Blaustein. 2016. Rainfall-induced release of microbes from manure: model development, parameter estimation, and uncertainty evaluation on small plots, J Water Health., 14: 443-459.
  32. Guber, A.K., D.M. Williams, A.C. Dechen Quinn, S.B. Tamrakar, W.F. Porter, J.B. Rose. 2016. Model of pathogen transmission between livestock and white-tailed deer in fragmented agricultural and forest landscapes. Environmental Modelling & Software Volume 80, June 2016, Pages 185–200.
  33. Kravchenko, A. N., Negassa, W., Guber, A. K., & Rivers, M. 2015. Protection of soil carbon within macro-aggregates depends on intra-aggregate pore characteristics. Plos One, Scientific Reports. Article number: 16261.
  34. Negassa, W., A. K. Guber, A. N. Kravchenko, T.L. Marsh, B. Hildebrandt, and M. L. Rivers. 2015. Properties of soil pore space regulate pathways of plant residue decomposition and community structure of associated bacteria. PLoS One, 10: e0123999. 
  35. Guber A.K., A.J.M. Smucker, S. Berhanu J. M. L. Miller. 2015. Subsurface water retention technology improves root zone water storage for corn production on coarse textured soils. Vadose Zone Journal, 14: 2-13.
  36. Guber A.K., J. Fry, R.L. Ives, J.B. Rose. 2015. Survival and Release of Escherichia coli from White-Tailed Deer Feces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81: 1168-1176.
  37. Kravchenko, A. N., Negassa, W. C., Guber, A. K., Hildebrandt, B., Marsh, T. L., & Rivers, M. L. 2014. Intra-aggregate pore structure influences phylogenetic composition of bacterial community in macroaggregates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78(6), 1924-1939.
  38. Guber, A. K., Pachepsky, Y. A., Yakirevich, A. M., Shelton, D. R., Whelan, G., Goodrich, D. C., & Unkrich, C. L. 2014. Modeling runoff and microbial overland transport with KINEROS2/STWIR model: Accuracy and uncertainty as affected by source of infiltration parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 519(PA), 644-655. ISSN: 00221694.
  39. Kravchenko, A. N., Negassa, W. C., Guber, A. K., & Schmidt, S. 2014. New approach to measure soil particulate organic matter in intact samples using X-Ray computed microtomography. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78(4), 1177-1185.
  40. Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Whelan, G., Yakirevich, A. M., Guber, A. K., & Gish, T. J. 2014. Rainfall-induced fecal indicator organisms transport from manured fields: Model sensitivity analysis. Environment International, 63, 121-129. ISSN: 01604120.
  41. Pachepsky, Y. A., Guber, A. K., Yakirevich, A. M., McKee, L., Cady, R. E., & Nicholson, T. J. 2014. Scaling and pedotransfer in numerical simulations of flow and transport in soils. Vadose Zone Journal.
  42. Pachepsky, Y. A., Guber, A. K., van Genuchten, M. T., Šimunek, J., & Jacques, D. 2014. Abstraction and integrations as approaches to reducing the uncertainty and multiplicity in soil water flow models., 103-125. ISBN: 978-5-905200-20-5
  43. Guber A.K., D.M. Williams, A.C. Dechen Quinn, S.B. Tamrakar, J.B. Rose, W.F. Porter. 2014. SWAT-SIR Model for Predicting Fate and Transport of Manure-borne Pathogens in Fragmented Agriculture-Forest Ecosystems. In Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2.
  44. Pachepsky Y., A. Guber, M.T. Van Genuchten, J. Šimunek, D. Jacques. 2014. Abstraction and integrations as approaches to reducing the uncertainty and multiplicity in soil water flow models. In " Mathematical models of natural and antropogenic ecosystems", Collection of papers ad memoriam Ratmir Alexandrovich Poluektov. Agrophysical Research Institute of the Agricultural  Academy of Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, 2014.  ISBN 978-5-905200-20-5, pp. 103-125.(in Russian)
  45. Kim K., G. Whelan, S.T. Purucker, T.F. Bohrmann, M.J. Cyterski, M. Molina, Y. Gu,Y. Pachepsky, A. Guber, H.D. Franklin. 2013. Rainfall-runoff model parameter estimation and uncertainty evaluation on small plots. Hydrological Processes
  46. Yakirevich, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Gish, T.J., Guber, A.K., Kuznetsov, M., Cady, R.E., Nicholson,  T.J. 2013. Augmentation of groundwater monitoring networks using information theory and ensemble modeling with pedotransfer functions. Journal of Hydrology.
  47. Yakirevich, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Shelton, D.R., Cho, K.H. 2013. Modeling Transport of Escherichia coli in a Creek During and After Artificial High-Flow Events: Three Year Study and Analysis. Water Research, 47: 2676-2688.
  48. Guber, A.K., Pachepsky Y.A., Dao, T.H., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M. 2013. Evaluating manure release parameters for nonpoint contaminant transport model KINEROS2/STWIR. Ecological Modelling, 263: 126-138
  49. Pachepsky, Y.A., Morrow, J., Guber, A.K., Rowland, R.A., Shelton, D.R. 2012. Effect of biofilm in irrigation pipes on the microbial quality of irrigation water. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 54(3):217-224.
  50. Pan F., Y. Pachepsky, D. Jacques, A. Guber, R. Hill. 2012. Data Assimilation with Soil Water Content Sensors and Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Water Flow Modeling. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76: 829–844.
  51. Pan, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Hill, R. 2012. Scale effects on information theory-based measures applied to streamflow patterns in two rural watersheds. Journal of Hydrology. 414-415:99-107.
  52. Raymundo-Raymundo, E., Yu.N. Nikolskii, A.K. Guber, C. Landeros-Sanchez. 2012.   Adequacy of transport parameters obtained in soil column experiments for selected chemicals. Eurasian Soil Science 45: 675–683.
  53. Guber, A. K., Gish, T. J., Pachepsky, Y. A., McKee, L., Nicholson, T. J., Cady, R. E. 2011. Event-based estimation of water budget components using the network of multi-sensor capacitance probes. Hydrological Science Journal 56(7), 1227–1241.
  54. Guber, A. K., Y. A. Pachepsky, A.M. Yakirevich, D.R. Shelton, A.M. Sadeghi, D. Goodrich,  K. Unkrich.  2011. Uncertainty in modeling of Faecal coliform overland transport associated with manure application in Maryland. Hydrological Processes, 25:2393-2404.
  55. Pan, F., Pachepsky, Y. A., Guber, A. K. Hill, R. 2011. Information and Complexity Measures Applied to Observed and Simulated Soil Moisture Time Series. Hydrological Science Journal, 56(6): 1027–1039.
  56. Hadzick, Z., Guber, A. K., Pachepsky, Y. A., Hill, R., Gish, T.J. 2011. Pedotransfer functions in soil electrical resistivity estimation. Geoderma 164:195-202.
  57. Pachepsky, Y. A., Rowland, R.A., Guber, A. K. 2011. Sensitivity of the Enviroscan soil moisture capacitance probe to the presence of artificial macropores. Soil Science 176:  1-9.
  58. Kyung, H.C., Y.A. Pachepsky, H.K. Joon, A.K. Guber, D.R. Shelton, R.A. Rowland. 2010. Release of Escherichia coli from the bottom sediment in a small first-order creek: Experiment and Modeling. Journal of Hydrology 391: 322-332.
  59. Raymundo-Raymundo, E., J. Hernandez-Vargas, Yu. N. Nikol’skii, A. K. Guber, F. Gavi- Reyes. B.L. Prado-Pano, B. Figueroa-Sandoval, and J. R. Mendosa-Hernandez. 2010. Determination of the Atrazine Migration Parameters in Vertisol. Eurasian Soil Science, 2010, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 565–572.
  60. San José Martínez, F., M.A. Martín, F.J. Caniego, M. Tuller, A. Guber, Y. Pachepsky, C. García-Gutiérrez. 2010. Multifractal analysis of discretized X-ray CT images for the characterization of soil. Geoderma 156 (1-2), pp. 32-42.
  61. Garzio-Hadzick, A., Shelton, D.R., Hill, R.L., Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Rowland, R. 2010. Survival of manure-borne E. coli in streambed sediment: Effects of temperature and sediment properties. Water Research 44 (9), pp. 2753-2762.
  62. Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rowland, R., Gish, T.J. 2010. Field correction of the multisensor capacitance probe calibration. International Agrophysics 24 (1), pp. 43-49.
  63. Pachepsky, Y.  A., Guber, A. K., Shelton, D. R., McCarty, G.W.  2009. Size distributions of manure particles released concurrently with E. coli under simulated rainfall.  Journal of Environmental Management 90: 1365-1369.
  64. Guber, A.K., A.M. Yakirevich, A.M. Sadeghi, Y.A. Pachepsky, and D.R. Shelton. 2009. Uncertainty evaluation of coliform bacteria removal from vegetated filter strip under overland flow condition. J. Environ. Qual. 38:1636–1644.
  65. Guber, A.K., Y.A. Pachepsky, D.R. Shelton, and O. Yu. 2009. Association of fecal coliforms with aggregates: Effect of water content and bovine manure application. Soil Science, 174(10):  543-548.
  66. Martin, M.A., Y. Pachepsky, E. Perfect and A. Guber. 2009. Fractal modeling and scaling in natural systems: Preface. Ecological Complexity, 6: 219-220.
  67. San Jose Martinez, F., J. Caniego, A.K. Guber, Y.A. Pachepsky, and M.Reyes. 2009. Miltifractal modeling of soil microtoporgraphy with multiple transects data. Ecologycal Complexity, 6: 240-245.
  68. Levkovsky E.V., Guber A.K. 2008. Pore size distribution calculation from soil solid phase data. Vestnik OGU (Bulletin of Orenburg State University), 85: 101-106.
  69. Levkovsky E.V., Guber A.K. 2008. Fractal geometry application to calculate soil pore size distribution from soil aggregate and soil core shrinkage data. Plodorodie (Fertility), 3: 35-37.
  70. Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., van Genuchten, M.T., Gaughtry, C.S., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2008. Temporal stability of estimated soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields. International Agrophysics, 3: 209-214.
  71. Pachepsky, Y., Yu, O., Karns, J., Shelton D.  M., Guber, A.  Van Kessel, J.  S. 2008. Strain-dependent variations in attachment of E. coli to soil particles of different sizes.  International Agrophysics, 22: 61-66.
  72. Dao, T.  H., Guber, A.  K., Sadeghi, A.  M., Karns, J.  S., van Kessel, J.  A., Shelton, D. R., Pachepsky, Y.  A., and McCarty, G.  W. 2008. Loss of bioactive phosphorus and enteric bacteria in runoff from dairy manure applied to sod. Soil Science 173(8): 511-521.
  73. Guber, A. K., Pachepsky Y. A., and Sadeghi, A. M. 2007. Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated filter strips in locations selected with SWAT simulations. Proc.  IV ASABE Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and TMDLs, March 10-13, 2007, San Antonio, Texas. ASABE Publication 701P0207.
  74. Guber A.K., J.S. Karns, Y.A. Pachepsky, A.M. Sadeghi, J.S. Van Kessel, and T.H. Dao. 2007. Comparison of release and transport of manure-borne Escherichia coli and enterococci under grass buffer conditions. Letters in Applied Microbiology 44:161–167.
  75. Zatinatskii S.V., A.M. Zeiliger, A.K. Guber, N.B. Khitrov, N.S. Nikitina and V.F. Utkaeva. 2007. Preferential water flows in meadow-chernozemic soil of the Saratov Transvolga region. Eurasian Soil Science 40(5): 585–598.
  76. Guber A.K., T.J. Gish, Y.A. Pachepsky, M.T. van Genuchten, C.S.T. Daughtry, T.J. Nicholson and R.E. Cady. 2007. Temporal stability in soil water content patterns across agricultural fields. CATENA, 73(1): 125-133.
  77. Guber A.K., Y.A. Pachepsky, D.R. Shelton, and O.Yu. 2007. Effect of bovine manure on fecal coliform attachment to soil and soil particles of different sizes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 3363-3370.
  78. Chinkuyu A., A. Guber, T. Gish, D. Timlin, J. Starr, T. Nicholson, R. Cady, A. Schwartzman. 2007. Field Studies to Confirm Uncertainty Estimates of Ground-Water Recharge. NUREG/CR-6946. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
  79. Guber A., Y. Pachepsky. 2007. Soil Structural Changes Caused by Agricultural Machinery. IX Simposio Internacional y IV Congreso Nacional de Agricultura Sostenible XX Reunión Cientifica-Tecnologica Forestal y Agropecuaria, Veracruz, pp. 43-55.
  80. Pachepsky Y.A., A.M. Sadeghi, S.A. Bradford, D.R. Shelton, A.K. Guber, and T. Dao. 2006. Transport and fate of manure-borne pathogens: Modeling Perspective agricultural water management 86: 81-92.
  81. Guber A.K., D. R. Shelton, Y. A. Pachepsky, A. M. Sadeghi, and L. J. Sikora. 2006. Rainfall-Induced Release of Fecal Coliforms and Other Manure Constituents: Comparison and Modeling. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.01121-06.
  82. Pachepsky Y.A., B.A. Devin, L.M. Polyanskaya, D.R. Shelton, E.V. Shein, and A.K. Guber. 2006. Limited entrapment model to simulate the breakthrough of Arthrobacter and Aquaspirillum in soil columns. Int. Agrophisics, 20: 207-218.
  83. Guber A. K., Ya. A. Pachepsky, M. T. van Genuchten, W. J. Rawls, J. Simunek, D. Jacques, T. J. Nicholson, and R. E. Cady. 2006. Ensemble prediction of soil hydraulic properties to simulate field-scale soil water flow. Vadose Zone Journal 5:234–247.
  84. Pachepsky Ya. A., A. K. Guber, D. Jacques, J. Simunek, M. Th. van Genuchten, T. J. Nicholson, R. E. Cady. 2006. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. Geoderma 134: 253–266.
  85. Pachepsky, Y. A., Guber, A. K. Van Genuchten, M. T., Nicholson, T. J., Cady, R. E., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Gish, T. J., Daughtry, C. S. T. 2006. Model abstraction in hydrologic modeling. Proc. 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference April 2-6, 2006, Reno, Nevada – CDROM, ISBN 0-9779007-0-3. – conference proceedings.
  86. Guber A.K., D. R. Shelton, Y. A. Pachepsky, A. M. Sadeghi, and L. J. Sikora. 2006. Rainfall-Induced Release of Fecal Coliforms and Other Manure Constituents: Comparison and Modeling. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:7531-7539.
  87. Guber A. K., Y. A. Pachepsky, and E. Levkovsky. 2005. Fractal mass-size scaling of wet soil aggregates. Ecological Modeling 182: 317-322.
  88. Pachepsky Y. A., A. K. Guber. M. T. van Genuchten, T. J. Nicholson, R. E. Cady, J. Simunek, M. C. Schaap 2005. Model Abstraction Techniques for Soil Water Flow and Transport. NUREG/CR-6884, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
  89. Pachepsky Y. A., A. K. Guber, and D. Jacques. 2005. Temporal persistence in vertical distributions of soil moisture contents. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 347–352.
  90. Guber A. K., D. R. Shelton, and Y.A. Pachepsky. 2005. Transport and retention of manure-borne coliforms in soil. Vadose Zone Journal 4:828–837.
  91. Guber A. K., D. R. Shelton, and Ya. A. Pachepsky. 2005. Effect of manure on Escherichia coli attachment to soil. J. Environ. Qual. 34:2086–2090.
  92. Arkhangel’skaya T. A., A.K. Guber, M.A. Mazirov, and M.V. Prokhorov. 2005. The Temperature Regime of Heterogeneous Soilscape in Vladimir Opol’e Region. Eurasian Soil Science, 38(7): 734-744.
  93. Guber A. K., Y. A. Pachepsky, and E. Levkovsky. 2004. Mass-size scaling in soil aggregates as affected by aggregate water content and soil compaction. Soil Science, 169: 1-12.
  94. Guber A. K., W. J. Rawls, E. V. Shein, and Y. A. Pachepsky. 2003. Effect of soil aggregate size distribution on water retention. Soil Science, 168: 223-233.
  95. Guber A. K., E. V. Shein, Y. A. Pachepsky, W. J. Rawls. 2002. Effect of particle and aggregate size distribution on soil-hydrological constants. In: Proc. Trans. Inter. conf. ‘Modern problems of agriculture and ecology”, Kursk, Russia, September 10-12, 2002, pp.282-289. (in Rus).
  96. Guber A. K. 2001. Spatial analysis of physical properties changes in zones of soil compaction. In: Proc. 3-rd Workshop and International Conference on Subsoil Compaction. Busteni, Romania, June 15 - 19, 2001, pp.156-164.
  97. Guber A. K., N. A. Perekrestova, M. V. Prokhorov. 2001. Water regime of Grey forest soils. Vladimirsky Zemledelets, 1(24): 59-67. (In Rus).
  98. Guber A. K. 2001. Differential porosity of soil: an evaluation from aggregate shrinkage and influence on water transport. Pochvovedenie, 1: 81-89. (in Rus).
  99. Guber A. K. 2001. Differential porosity of soil: an evaluation from aggregate shrinkage and influence on water transport. Eurasian Soil Science, 34(1): 69-76.
  100. Guber A. K. 2000. Compaction of Grey Forest soil by heavy machinery. In: Proc. 2-nd Workshop and International Conference on Subsoil Compaction. Szent Istvan University, Gödöllö, Hungary, 29-31 May, 2000. Gödöllö, SIU, pp.198-203.
  101. Guber A. K. 2000.  Field technique to study of water transport trough soil macropores. In: Proc. International Conference “Modern problems of field experiments”, June 6-9, Saint Petersburg, v.1, pp. 77-83. (in Rus).
  102. Guber A. K., M. V. Lyzhina. 1999. Determination of hydraulic conductivity using tension infiltrometers in field conditions. Pochvovedenie, 7: 834-840. (in Rus)
  103. Guber A. K., M. V. Lyzhina. 1999. Determination of hydraulic conductivity using tension infiltrometers in field conditions. Eurasian Soil Science, 32(7): 751-757.
  104. Shein E. V., A. V. Dembovetskii, A. K. Guber, 1999. Pedotransfer functions: determination, substantiation, and use. Pochvovedenie, 11: 1323-1331. (in Rus)
  105. Shein E. V., A. V. Dembovetskii, A. K. Guber, 1999. Pedotransfer functions: determination, substantiation, and use. Eurasian Soil Science, 32(11): 1181-1188.
  106. Smagin A. V., A. K. Guber, E. V. Shein, M. Gaiz. 1999. Development of soil constructions and irrigation regimes for greenery planting in urban landscapes for arid climate conditions. In: Proc. International Conference “Desertification and soil degradation”, Moscow, November 11-15. Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 470-482. (in Rus)
  107. Umarova A. B., T. A. Ritcheva, A. K. Guber, A. A. Leonova. 1999. Annual dynamics of drainage from lysimeter with Podzoluvisolsl. In: Proc. Symposium “Lysimetric methods in argochemistry, soil science, melioration and agroecology” June 26 – July 1, Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp. 183-187. (in Rus).
  108. Umarova A. B., T. A. Ritcheva, A. K. Guber, A. A.Leonova.  1999. Vertical water flow during spring snow melt at the MSU soil experimental station. In: Proc. Symposium “Lysimetric methods in argochemistry, soil science, melioration and agroecology” , June 26 – July 1, Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp. 214-220. (in Rus).
  109. Ritcheva T. A., A. K. Guber, A. B. Umarova. 1999. Studies of soil temperature in lysimeters at the MSU soil experimental station. In: Proc. Symposium “Lysimetric methods in argochemistry, soil science, melioration and agroecology”  June 26 – July 1, Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, pp. 220-224. (in Rus).
  110. Guber A. K., E. V. Shein. 1997. Adaptation and identification of mathematical models of water flow in soil. Pochvovedenie, 9: 1107-1119. (in Rus)
  111. Guber A. K., E. V. Shein. 1997. Adaptation and identification of mathematical models of water flow in soil. Eurasian Soil Science, 30(9): 987-998.
  112. Smetnik A. A., A. K. Guber. 1997. Verification of a mathematical model for pesticide transport in typical Chernozem. Pochvovedenie, 10: 1260-1264. (in Rus)
  113. Smetnik A. A., A. K. Guber. 1997. Verification of a mathematical model for pesticide transport in typical Chernozem. Eurasian Soil Science, 30(10): 1127-1131.
  114. Guber A. K., E. V. Shein, Van Itsyuan, A. B. Umarova. 1998. Experimental information for mathematical models of water transport in soil: Assessment of model adequacy and reliability of prediction. Pochvovedenie, 9: 1127-1138. (in Rus)
  115. Guber A. K., E. V. Shein, Van Itsyuan, A. B. Umarova. 1998. Experimental information for mathematical models of water transport in soil: Assessment of model adequacy and reliability of prediction. Eurasian Soil Science, 31(9): 1020-1029.
  116. Voronin A. D., A. K. Guber, E. V. Shein. 1996. Application of soil hydrological constants for calculating water retention parameters. Pochvovedenie, 5: 630-634. (in Rus).
  117. Voronin A. D., A. K. Guber, E. V. Shein. 1996. Application of soil hydrological constants for calculating water retention parameters. Eurasian Soil Science, 29(5): 572-576.
  118. Smetnik A. A., A. K. Guber. 1996. Calculation of the hydrochemical parameters of herbicide migration in soil columns. Pochvovedenie, 8: 1021-1026. (in Rus).
  119. Smetnik A. A., A. K. Guber. 1996. Calculation of the hydrochemical parameters of herbicide migration in soil columns. Eurasian Soil Science, 29(8): 947-951.
  120. Smetnik A. A., A. K. Guber. 1996. Application of mass balance-based model to simulate pesticide transport in structural soils. Vestnik MGU, ser. pochvovedenie, 48(4): 46-52. (in Rus)
  121. Shein E. V., Y. A. Pachepsky, A. K. Guber, and T. I. Chehova. 1995. Experimental determination of hydraulic and hydrochemical parameters in mathematical models for moisture and salt transfer in soils. Pochvovedenie, 12: 1479-1486. (in Rus).
  122. Shein E. V., Y. A. Pachepsky, A. K. Guber, and T. I. Chehova. 1996. Experimental determination of hydraulic and hydrochemical parameters in mathematical models for moisture and salt transfer in soils. Eurasian Soil Science, 28(12): 177-187.
  123. Shein E. V., A. K. Guber, N. S. Kuharuk. 1995. Water and solute transport through macroporos in Podzoluvisols. Vestnik MGU, ser. pochvovedenie, 47(2): 22-32. (in Rus).
  124. Guber A. K. 1994. Modeling water flow in irrigated structural soils. PhD thesis.  Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House, 185 pp. (in Rus.)