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Greenhouse Disease Management


February 26, 2024 - <>


  • “A” Team. Broadform (fluopyram + trifloxystrobin)[7/11], Daconil (chlorothalonil)[M05], Decree (fenhexamid)[17], Affirm WDG (polyoxin D zinc salt)[19], Astun (isofetamid)[7], Orkestra (fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin)[7/11], Palladium (cyprodinil + fludioxonil)[9/12], Mural (azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr)[11/7], Emblem/Medallion WDG/Spirato GHN (fludioxonil – do not apply to geraniums)[12]

Powdery Mildew

  • “A+” Team. Eagle (myclobutanil)[3], Terraguard SC (triflumizole)[3], Tourney 50WG (metconazole) [3], Postiva (difenoconazole + pydiflumetofen) [3/7]
  • “A/A-” Team. Pageant Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin + boscalid)[11/7], Palladium WDG (fludioxonil + cyprodinil)[12/9], Mural (azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr)[11/7], Orkestra (fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin)[11/7], Broadform (fluopyram + trifloxystrobin) [7/11]
  • “B” Team. Heritage (azoxystrobin)[11], Compass (trifloxystrobin)[11], Insignia (pyraclostrobin)[11]

Downy Mildew

  • “A+” Team. Subdue MAXX (mefenoxam)[4], Adorn (fluopicolide)[43], Segovis (oxathiapiprolin)[49
  • “A-” Team. Stature SC (dimethomorph)[40], Micora (mandipropamid)[40], Orvego (ametoctradin + dimethomorph)[45/50], Segway/RenaZ SC (cyazofamid)[21], FenStop (fenamidone)[11]
  • “B” Team. Alude (phosphorous acid products)[33], Heritage 50WG (azoxystrobin)[11], Insignia (pyraclostrobin)[11], Pageant Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin + boscalid)[11/7], Protect DF (mancozeb)[M03], Compass (trifloxystrobin)[11], Disarm G (fluoxastrobin) [11]


  • “A” Team. Subdue MAXX (mefenoxam)[4], Adorn (fluopicolide)[43], Micora (mandipropamid)[40], Segovis (oxathiapiprolin)[49]
  • “B” Team. FenStop (fenamidone)[11], Alude (phosphorous acid products)[33], Captan (captan)[M04], Aliette WDG (fosetyl-al)[33], Segway (cyazofamid)[21], Truban/Terrazole L (etridiazole)[14], Orvego (ametoctradin + dimethomorph)[45/50], Stature SC (dimethomorph)[40]


  • “A” Team. Truban/Terrazole L (etridiazole)[14], Banol (propamocarb)[28], Subdue MAXX (mefenoxam) [4/Watch for pathogen resistance]
  • “B/B-“ Team. Captan (captan)[M04], FenStop SC (fenamidone)[11], Heritage 50WDG (azoxystrobin)[11], Empress Intrinsic Brand Fungicide (pyraclostrobin)[11], Segway (cyazofamid)[21], Alude (phosphorous acid products)[33]


  • “A” Team. Medallion/Spirato GHN (fludioxonil)[12], Terraclor 400 (pentachloronitrobenzene)[14], Affirm WDG (polyoxin D zinc salt)[[19], Pageant Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin + boscalid)[11/7], Empress Intrinsic Brand Fungicide (pyraclostrobin)[11]
  • “B+” Team. 3336/OHP 6672 (thiophanate-methyl)[1], Captan (captan)[M04], Heritage 50WG (azoxystrobin)[11]


  • Recommendations [Use high labeled rates]: 3336/OHP 6672 (thiophanate-methyl)[1], Terraguard SC (triflumizole)[3], Tourney (metconazole) [3]: Emblem/Medallion WDG/Spirato GHN (fludioxonil - do not apply to geraniums)[12]

Bacterial Diseases

  • CuPRO 5000 (copper hydroxide; metallic copper by weight – 40% ) [M01], C-O-C-S (copper oxychloride + copper sulfate; metallic copper by weight – 51.25%) [M01]. Note: Other copper-based products are also available for use on ornamentals but may have a lower metallic copper content than the products listed above.


1. First Application: (DAY 1)

Subdue MAXX (1 fl oz/100 gal) drench.

Treat soon after plants received unless propagator has treated just before shipment.

2. Second application: (DAY 7)

Segovis* (3.2 fl oz/100 gal) drench

3. Third and continuous application: (DAY 21 and every 14 days until final application described below)

Segway (2.1-3.5 fl oz/100 gal; spray) or Orvego (11-14 fl oz/100 gal; spray) or Stature SC (6.12 fl oz/100 gal; spray) or Micora (4-8 fl oz/100 gal; spray)

4. Final application: shortly before shipment

Subdue MAXX (1 fl oz/100 gal) + Segovis* (3.2 fl oz/100 gal) drench

Follow all label instructions and note warnings; local restrictions may apply. Product names are given for information purposes only and are not an endorsement, nor is any criticism implied of products not mentioned.

**Do not apply more than 9.6 fl. oz. of Segovis to a single crop annually

*This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. The pesticide label is the legal document on pesticide use. Read the label, as they change often and follow the instructions closely. Prior to use, determine if the product is registered in your state. The use of a pesticide inconsistent with the label directions can lead to civil or criminal fines and/or condemnation of the crop.



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