Starting a grasses and sedges garden
Published on January 25, 2021
An alternative to turf lawns for the home gardener. -
Pesticide course offered for private and commercial pesticide applicators
Published on November 17, 2020
New online course for restricted use pesticide applicators offering 12 credits. -
MSU updates budgeting tools for grain producers
Published on November 6, 2020
With the presence of uncertainties, making well-informed decisions on the farm has never been more important. -
Phil Durst elected vice president of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents
Published on October 28, 2020
During the 2020 virtual annual meeting of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Phil Durst was elected to the position of vice president. Durst becomes only the fourth individual to serve in this role from Michigan in NACAA’s history. -
Guidance for farmers on pandemic preparedness plans and the CHAMP tool
Published on September 18, 2020
Find answers to common questions about operational requirements specified by Michigan Executive Orders. -
MSU hosts virtual turfgrass field day
Published on September 3, 2020
MSU Extension and MSU AgBioResearch hosted a virtual turfgrass field day Wednesday, Sept. 23. The event was split into two sessions, focusing on lawn care and athletic fields, then golf turf. -
Enviroweather releases a test version of new website
Published on August 25, 2020
Get a head start on using the customizable dashboard and see improved mobile displays on the new Enviroweather website. -
Identifying risks for COVID-19 exposures in the workplace: Agriculture
Published on July 27, 2020
A new online tool helps agricultural employers evaluate and reduce COVID-19 exposure risks. -
Enviroweather adds an additional station at North Central Michigan College
Published on July 15, 2020
The new station will serve commercial and community agriculture and provide hands-on education in Emmett County. -
The heat is on: Protect golf course turf during high temperatures
Published on July 9, 2020
High temperatures will stress turfgrass in the next week. Here are simple reminders as the heat ramps up.