Baker Woodlot inducted into Old-Growth Forest Network

Baker Woodlot was recently induction into the Old Growth Forest Network.

Baker Woodlot, usually a quiet refuge for joggers, birders, and students studying forestry or in need of a respite from the bustle of MSU’s lively campus, welcomed over 75 guests on Oct. 7, 2023, to celebrate the Woodlot’s induction into the Old Growth Forest Network. 

The Old-Growth Forest Network is a national nonprofit organization that was founded in 2007 with the goal of protecting mature native woodlands.

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Forestry alum Ren Mcintyre demonstrates how to measure the diameter of a tree

Baker Woodlot joins 228 other Network forests in 35 states, including 11 others in Michigan. It is the first Network forest located on a university campus. 

“Generations of students and faculty have interacted with trees in Baker,” said Richard Kobe, professor and chair of the Department of Forestry. “In some ways, they feel like our familiar friends of different ages, species and sizes. It’s an honor to work under this special canopy, and we’re proud to join the Old-Growth Forest Network.” 

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Professor Deb McCullough and Forestry alum Nick Sanchez with the new Old-Growth Forest Network sign at the entrance of Baker Woodlot

In addition to providing hands-on learning for forestry students and recreational space for the campus community, Baker also serves as a rich site for on-campus research. Reports, peer-reviewed articles and doctoral theses have explored all manner of Baker flora and fauna, from its spider and fungi populations to recycling facility runoff, glacial sediments and the life-history of the tufted titmouse. 

The induction celebration included remarks from Kobe, alumnus Nick Sanchez from the Old-Growth Forest Network, Professor Deb McCullough from the Departments of Entomology and Forestry and alumnus Jim Beach from the Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum at the University of Kansas.

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Professor David Rothstein guiding a walk

Faculty led guided group tours through the woodlot, explaining the site’s natural features and the evolution of the forest. 

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