Mover las granjas lecheras de Michigan hacia la resiliencia climática y climática (pastoreo)
Published on June 21, 2023
El estrés por calor tiene efectos perjudiciales en la salud y productividad de las vacas, por lo que es esencial implementar estrategias que minimicen sus impactos. -
Moving Michigan dairy farms towards climate and weather resiliency (Grazing)
Published on June 21, 2023
Heat stress has detrimental effects on the health and productivity of cows, making it essential to implement strategies that minimize its impacts. -
Basics of Electrical Weed Control
Published on June 20, 2023
Electrical weeding is an option for eliminating escaped weeds in numerous agricultural industries. -
Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Vegetables
Published on June 16, 2023
The Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Vegetables provides farm producers with an ability to consider pesticide products and their costs within integrated pest management strategies. -
Interim Update on the Economic Impact of Michigan's Agri-Food System
Published on June 6, 2023
This document offers an interim update on the economic impact of Michigan's agri-food and agri-energy system. -
Soybean Plant Stands: Is Replanting Necessary?
Published on May 25, 2023
This fact sheet addresses some commonly asked questions to consider prior to replanting a soybean field. -
Providing Timely & Relevant Information To Producers & Agronomists
Published on May 23, 2023
The MSU Extension field crops team has a long history of providing research-based knowledge to address the needs of field crop producers and agronomists across Michigan. -
Best Practices for Replanting Blueberries in Michigan
Published on May 3, 2023
This bulletin discusses best practices for replanting blueberries in Michigan, including cultivar choice, plant removal, soil fallowing and horticultural practices. -
2022 Soybean Educational Programs & On-Farm Research Projects
Published on May 1, 2023
Soybeans are the dominant source of plant-based protein in the world. They are a major feed component in global pork, poultry and aquaculture production and an important ingredient in common foods consumed in the U.S. -
Improving Irrigation Efficiency & Annual Water Use Reporting
Published on May 1, 2023
Agricultural irrigation accounted for 39% of Michigan’s consumptive water use in 2015 (Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, 2017), with 125 billion gallons of water withdrawn in 2020 (Eaton, 2021).