Keeping records under the FSMA Produce Safety Rule

, Produce Safety Technician

There are 7 "required records" outlined in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule but it’s possible that not all records in the rule apply to your farm. Only keep the records that correlate with activities taking place on your operation.

FSMA Produce Safety Rule Records:

§ Qualified Exemption Review
§ Worker Training Record
§ Water System Inspection Record
§ Water Treatment monitoring Record
§ Agriculture Water Die Off Corrective Measure Record
§ Compost Treatment Record
§ Cleaning and Sanitizing

How to keep FSMA Produce Safety Records:

Subpart O of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule outlines general record keeping requirements.

1. Records must include:
  • Farm name and location
  • Actual values and observations obtained during monitoring
  • A description of the commodity of covered produce applicable to the record
  • Location of growing area or
  • Date and time of the activity documented
2. Records must be created at the time the activity is being performed or observed.
3. Records must be accurate, legible, and indelible (think ink pen, not pencil).
4. Records must be dated and signed or initialed by the person who performed the activity documented.
5. Records must be reviewed, dated, and signed, within a reasonable time after the records are made, by a supervisor or responsible party.

Looking for record templates? The Produce Safety Alliance has

Have questions about record keeping as it relates to your operation? Contact for assistance!