Extension Agriculture & Agribusiness in Michigan
Published on June 16, 2022
Michigan State University Extension educators work with farms of all sizes helping to positively impact individual farming operations. -
Vaccination Strategies for Pigs Raised on Small Farms
Published on June 8, 2022
Many diseases in pigs can be prevented or their effects minimized by vaccines formulated specifically for use in pigs. These vaccines provide a management tool that, when used properly, can greatly reduce reliance on the other medications. -
Industry Collaborations Led by MSU Extension Focus on Preparedness for Michigan's Animal Agriculture Industry
Published on May 12, 2022
With contributions of more than $104.7 billion annually to our state’s economy, agriculture is one of Michigan’s most important and productive industries. -
MSU Extension Provides Viable Options for Ag and Solar Integration
Published on May 12, 2022
Michigan aims to achieve economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050 and maintain net negative greenhouse gas emissions thereafter. -
MSU Extension Supports Food Processing in Michigan
Published on May 11, 2022
The ability to combine scientific expertise, research capabilities and practical experience allows educators and scientists to work together and generate advancements in food, health and the environment, creating impactful data for Michigan communities. -
MSU Extension Provides Opportunities for Farmers to Improve Efficiencies by Focusing on Management & Production Issues
Published on May 11, 2022
Michigan State University Extension continues to provide valuable services, programs and information for Michigan communities and families. -
Newborn Calf Care Management - English and Spanish
Published on May 5, 2022
The first hours of life are important to a newborn dairy calf's health. Using proper management techniques immediately following birth can positively impact the calf for a lifetime. -
Freezer space needed for lamb
Published on April 1, 2022
Average meat yield of a purchased lamb carcass. -
Freezer space needed for pork
Published on April 1, 2022
Average meat yield of a purchased pork carcass. -
Freezer space needed for beef
Published on April 1, 2022
Average meat yield of a purchased beef carcass. -
MSU Cash Flow Estimator
Published on March 14, 2022
The MSU Cash Flow Estimator is intended to help farm managers create a cash flow projection for their business. -
Management over Medication: Pest Management Program for Small Farms
Published on February 14, 2022
Rodent problems and pest infestations can easily affect the bottom line of an operation and trigger other issues on the farm that affect the health of the animals raised and people working at the facility. -
Management over Medication: Biosecurity Plans for Small Farms
Published on February 14, 2022
Maintaining the health of your swine herd requires a biosecurity plan that describes the practical measures you have taken to prevent the entry and spread of diseases on your farm. -
JBS Holstein Contract Comparison Tool
Published on February 2, 2022
This spreadsheet is to be used to help assist with choosing between using the "New" or "Old" JBS Holstein contract and discovering how premiums and discounts can affect the profitability on a load of cattle. -
Hotspots of vulnerability and disruption in food value chains during COVID-19 in South Africa: industry- and firm-level “pivoting” in response
Published on December 24, 2021
Meyer, F., Reardon, T., Davids, T., van der Merwe, M., et al. (2021). Hotspots of vulnerability and disruption in food value chains during COVID-19 in South Africa: industry- and firm-level “pivoting” in response. Agrekon, 1–21. -
Biosecurity Practices for One-Day Livestock Shows
Published on November 30, 2021
Guidelines to help make sure your animals stay in good health during one-day prospect shows, jackpots and other livestock exhibitions. -
Etiquetado Natural y Orgánico
Published on October 2, 2021
Las afirmaciones de las etiquetas Natural y Orgánico se utilizan en alimentos para describir cómo se cultivaron, criaron y/o procesaron. -
Afirmaciones sobrela crianza deanimales
Published on October 2, 2021
Estos términos de etiquetado se utilizan en productos para describir el entorno en el que se criaron los animales. -
Fechas de productos alimenticios
Published on October 2, 2021
Se pueden encontrar dos tipos de fechas en las etiquetas de los alimentos. El fabricante o minorista aplica “Fechas abiertas” que le indica a los consumidores la estimación de cuándo el producto será de la mejor calidad. -
Declaraciones de etiquetas de antibióticos
Published on October 2, 2021
Los antibióticos son sustancias producidas por un microorganismo y tienen la capacidad de matar o inhibir el crecimiento o la multiplicación de otros microorganismos.