What is management over medication?
Published on May 5, 2023
Management of livestock is essential for a healthy herd. Some medications can be avoided with close observation and understanding of a herd health plan, which is the main objective of the management over medication concept. -
Vaccination Strategies for Pigs Raised on Small Farms
Published on June 8, 2022
Many diseases in pigs can be prevented or their effects minimized by vaccines formulated specifically for use in pigs. These vaccines provide a management tool that, when used properly, can greatly reduce reliance on the other medications. -
Management over Medication: Pest Management Program for Small Farms
Published on February 14, 2022
Rodent problems and pest infestations can easily affect the bottom line of an operation and trigger other issues on the farm that affect the health of the animals raised and people working at the facility. -
Management over Medication: Biosecurity Plans for Small Farms
Published on February 14, 2022
Maintaining the health of your swine herd requires a biosecurity plan that describes the practical measures you have taken to prevent the entry and spread of diseases on your farm. -
Livestock Budget Estimator Swine Contract Grower (Simple)
Published on August 17, 2021
A budget decision tool for swine producers who operate as contract growers. -
Livestock Budget Estimator Swine (Simple)
Published on August 17, 2021
A budget planning and decision tool for swine producers. -
Livestock Budget Estimator Dairy (Simple)
Published on August 14, 2021
A farm budget decision tool designed for dairy farmers. -
Livestock Budget Estimator Beef (Simple)
Published on August 14, 2021
A farm budget decision tool for beef producers. -
Management over medication: strategies for reducing antibiotics used in pork production
Published on May 8, 2021
Upcoming MSU Extension online series will describe sound management practices that can help prevent overuse of medication in your swine herd. -
Marketing and Pricing Standing Hay
Published on August 5, 2019
MSU Extension offers an education opportunity to learn about the pricing and marketing process of standing hay. -
Marketing and Pricing Standing Corn Silage
Published on August 5, 2019
MSU Extension offers an educational opportunity to learn how to process and understand pricing and risks that may come with the marketing strategy you choose. -
Livestock Basics
Getting started with livestock basics.
Getting Started with Aquaculture Webinar
Getting started with aquaculture.
Fencing and Watering Systems for Livestock Webinar
Getting started with fencing and watering systems for livestock.
Getting Started with Meat Goats
The basics of meat goat production.
Biosecurity: Protection Farm Animals
Getting started with biosecurity: protection farm animals.
Basics of Raising Pigs
The basics of raising pigs.
Basics of Grass Finished Beef
Getting started with grass-finished beef.
Basics of Cow-Calf Production
Getting started with beef cow-calf farming.
Basic of Manure and Mortalities on Small Farms
Getting started with manure storage, handling, and mortality management on small farms.