Field Crops
Considerations for irrigating wheat
Published on May 22, 2023
Irrigating winter wheat or rye is a tool to help double crop growers. -
Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Field Crops
Published on October 13, 2022
The Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Field Crops provides farm producers with an ability to consider pesticide products and their costs within integrated pest management strategies. -
Irrigation to help get the crop started
Published on June 2, 2022
Irrigators have the advantage of being able to apply water to aid germination, emergence, and incorporate herbicides and nutrients. If rainfall is short, irrigation can prevent early season drought. -
Forage Management & Supply in a Drought
The MSU Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast on June 17, 2021, focuses on forage management and supply in a drought, presented by Kim Cassida, MSU forage specialist.
Consider drought-motivated irrigation purchases carefully
Published on June 8, 2021
Hot, dry summers sometimes result in quick irrigation investment decisions that may be regretted -
Dry conditions will impact early season weed control
Published on May 26, 2021
What do dry conditions mean for weed management? -
Fall and winter drought could cause challenges in crops
Published on April 22, 2021
Below normal precipitation during the fall and winter has resulted in a decline in groundwater levels. Producers need to prepare for potential challenges, especially if they irrigate crops. -
Moisture stress and high temperature effects on soybean yields
Published on July 9, 2020
How soybeans respond to moisture stress and how yield is reduced by stress occurring at various growth stages. -
Feed management: Drought stressed corn silage
Published on October 3, 2018
Choppers are out on multiple fields across Michigan, but what adjustment are needed when chopping and feeding drought stressed corn? -
End of season cornstalk nitrate test in a drought year
Published on September 12, 2018
The end of season cornstalk test is a useful diagnostic tool that provides an overall assessment of nitrogen fertilizer practices. The test has to be interpreted with caution in a drought year. -
Make a plan for drought-stressed corn silage in 2018
Published on August 28, 2018
Hot, dry weather conditions can damage corn and have the potential for toxic levels of nitrates in corn silage. -
Drought and potassium deficiency in corn and soybeans
Published on July 26, 2018
Potassium regulates the opening and closing of plant stomata. Consequently, crops with insufficient potassium are much more susceptible to drought. -
Fall fertilizer practices following a drought season
Published on November 8, 2016
Fall is a good time to adapt fertilizer best practices following a drought year. -
Drought conditions taking a toll on Michigan’s field crops
Published on August 11, 2016
Deepening drought conditions and adequate moisture in the western Corn Belt may cause a “double whammy” for some Michigan growers in 2016. -
Spider mite spraying in Michigan field crops: Brand new cheat sheet
Published on August 1, 2016
We’ve got perfect spider mite conditions due to this summer’s dry weather and the arrival of August. Irrigation can complicate decisions. Here are tips to get any sprays right. -
Impacts of southwest Michigan drought on 2013 corn and soybean yields
Published on September 4, 2013
The lack of late season rainfall is taking luster off of crop yield expectations across much of southwest Michigan. -
Hay supplies tighter than earlier reports due to 2012 summer drought
Published on January 16, 2013
Latest USDA reports show ending hay stocks are significantly lower in Michigan. -
Drought reduced canola and oriental mustard yields in 2012
Published on December 7, 2012
Despite a dry season, the potential of biodiesel production from brassica oilseeds remains promising. -
Nutrient management after the drought
Published on October 22, 2012
Learn about nutrient management after the 2012 drought, including nutrient carryover and recycling, fall versus spring soil test results and 2013 fertilizer recommendations, by watching a webinar hosted by the American Society of Agronomy. -
Corn stalks provide alternative forage for beef and dairy farms
Published on October 5, 2012
Having enough feed and forage for cattle farms this winter may include some feed alternatives like corn stover/stalks.