Environmental Economics in Agriculture

Omitted here are activities listed under private land use. Themes have been eclectic, often arising from interests/expertise of coauthors and/or extensions of other lines of work listed elsewhere. The paper,

  • Hennessy, D.A., and J. Roosen. “Stochastic Pollution, Permits, and Merger Incentives.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 37(May, 1999):211-232. Link

has to do with quotas/permits and multivariate random variables and stochastic orders listed elsewhere, while

  • Hennessy, D.A., and H. Feng. “When Should Uncertain Nonpoint Emissions be Penalized in a Trading Program?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(February, 2008):249-255. Link

has connections with the risk analysis and quotas/permits work listed elsewhere. The animal disease management theme, quotas/permits, and also some methodological issues, arise in,

  • Feng, H., and D.A. Hennessy. “Least-Cost Tradeable Risk Permit Scheme for Controlling Risk of Introducing Invasive Alien Species by Shipping.” Ecological Economics, 68(December, 2008):532-535. Link


  • Hennessy, D.A. “Biosecurity Incentives, Network Effects, and Entry of a Rapidly Spreading Pest.” Ecological Economics, 68(December, 2008):230-239. Link

is a direct extension from infectious animal disease issues. The paper,

  • Feng, H., and D.A. Hennessy. “Production and Abatement Distortions under Noisy Green Taxes.” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 11(February, 2009):37-53. Link

regards how noise and bankruptcy provisions dampen incentives to invest in abatement where some similar points were made about grading systems in food quality paper. The work,

  • Hennessy D.A., and H.E. Lapan. “Buying Ecological Services: Fragmented Reserves, Core and Periphery National Park Structure, and the Agricultural Extensification Debate.” Natural Resource Modeling, 23(May, 2010):176-216. Link

has connections with ongoing activities to do with spatial spillovers and easement contracts to purchase property rights, but might best be seen as an application of tools to model symmetry in economic problems. In,

  • Miao, R., and D.A. Hennessy. “To Learn or To Change: Optimal R&D Investments under Uncertainties.” Natural Resource Modeling, 27(May, 2, 2014):235-257. Link

the theme is the precautionary principle which also arises in food quality and disease management.