Production tips for top performers: Lavandula stoechas
Published on January 29, 2009
Production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on the herbaceous perennial Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas). -
Productions tips for top performers: Echinacea 'Sunrise' & 'Harvest Moon'
Published on November 29, 2008
Production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on two yellow-flowering cultivars of the herbaceous perennial coneflower (Echinacea). -
Production tips for top performers: Campanula persicifolia
Published on October 29, 2008
Production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on two cultivars of the herbaceous perennial peach-leaved bellflower (Campanula persicifolia). -
Production tips for top performers: Gaillardia 'Oranges & Lemons'
Published on September 29, 2008
Production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on the herbaceous perennial blanket flower (Gaillardia) 'Oranges and Lemons'. -
Production tips for top performers: Aquilegia vulgaris
Published on August 29, 2008
Commercial production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on two 'Winky' cultivars of columbine (Aquilegia). -
Production tips for top performers: Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low'
Published on July 29, 2008
Commercial production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on the herbaceous perennial catmint (Nepeta 'Walker's Low'). -
Production tips for top performers: Penstemon
Published on June 29, 2008
Commercial production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on several cultivars of the herbaceous perennial Penstemon (common name: beardtongues). -
PGRs on perennials
Published on June 18, 2008
Learn how to choose the right plant growth regulator (PGR) and application method for commercial production of herbaceous perennial crops. -
Production tips for top performers: Coreopsis 'Limerock Dream' and 'Limerock Passion'
Published on May 29, 2008
Covering the tips and tricks for production. -
Production tips for top performers: Salvia sylvestris
Published on April 29, 2008
Commercial production information, based on research at Michigan State University, is presented on two cultivars of the herbaceous perennial Salvia.