Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI)
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Suresh Babu
Asia Lead and Senior Research Fellow / Head of Capacity Strengthening, IFPRI
Christopher Barrett
Director STAAARS Plus and Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management and International Professor of Agriculture, Cornell University
John Bonnell
Senior Capacity Development Specialist
Kristin Davis
Research-to-Policy Lead and Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
Thomas Jayne
ReNAPRI Liaison and University Foundation Professor, MSU/AFRE
Nicole Mason-Wardell
Technical Training Co-Lead and Associate Professor, MSU/AFRE
Ruth Meinzen-Dick
Gender Lead and Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
David Ortega
Southeast Asia Lead
Véronique Thériault
Technical Training Co-Lead and Associate Professor, MSU
for the entire PRCI team go here.
A collaborative effort among consortium partners that seeks to enhance the ability of local policy research organizations to conduct high-quality food security policy research and influence food security policy more effectively while becoming increasingly self-reliant.
- Institutional Capacity Strengthening: PRCI bases its approach to institutional capacity strengthening on four principles of action: co-creation, integration, customization, and excellence. These principles reflect our consortium’s vision of the best way to improve the credibility of country and regional research institutions and of their policy research results and thereby ensure that local policy makers take up and apply the results of the Lab’s global research.
- Collaborative Research: PRCI is committed to a process that grounds a global research agenda in local realities and priorities. Following initial discussions among the consortium members, we propose three broad themes for this global agenda:
- Inclusive agricultural and rural transformation to raise rural household incomes (including small farmers) , and to create more decent jobs particularly for young women and men;
- Development of healthy food systems, including regulatory issues and private sector engagement, in ways that address food safety and the triple burden of malnutrition; and
- Enhanced resilience at individual, household, national and regional levels (to climate and other sources of shocks) to achieve economic and environmental sustainability.
- Strengthening Policy Influence: PRCI assists local institutions to assess their position within their local and regional policy system and outline what capacities they need to operate more effectively in it, bringing their research to bear on policy decision-making.
Start Date
May 15, 2019
Anticipated End Date
May 14, 2024
- USD11 million in core funding
- Up to USD27 million in funding from mission and bureau buy-ins and associate awards
- Total funding of up to USD38 million
- Funding period: June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2024 (5 years)
Partnering Institutions
- Consortium partners
- ReNAPRI (Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes)
- ISSER (Institute for Statistical, Social, and Economic Research - Ghana)
- IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
- Cornell University
- Centers for Policy Leadership
- The Economic Policy Research Center (ERPC) in Uganda
- The Bureau of Macroeconomic Analysis (BAME) of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research
- Innovation Lab for Policy Leadership in Agriculture and Food Security (PiLAF) based out of the University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeria
- Kasetsart University in Thailand
- Country Partners
All Publications
Domestic or Imported: An Analysis of Rice Demand in Senegal
Published on February 7, 2022
Policy Brief #4. Summary Summary of findings on consumer rice consumption for urban and rural households. -
Published on January 3, 2022
Research Paper #8. This paper contributes to the rice policy debate by analyzing the demand side using the case study of Senegal in West Africa. -
A Geometric Analysis of Technological Heterogeneity in the Agricultural Sector: Evidence from Maize in Tanzania
Published on January 1, 2022
Research Paper # 12: This paper presents a new framework to measure farm-level heterogeneity, and productivity change, and to study the rate and direction of technical change within an agricultural sector. -
Published on December 28, 2021
Research Paper #7. Nepal’s agriculture sector is characterized by low productivity, inadequate infrastructure, reliance on rain-fed traditional agriculture, and a feeble supply chain that slows agriculture even within the country. -
Published on December 26, 2021
Research Paper #6. This paper analyses Sri Lanka’s opportunities and challenges in agri-food trade amid COVID-19. -
Cambodia’s Agri-Food Trade: Structure, New Emerging Potentials, Challenges & Impacts of Covid-19
Published on December 24, 2021
Research Paper #5. This study provides overall analysis and informs readers about Cambodia’s agri-food trade regarding recent structures of trade flows, new emerging potentials, main challenges, and impacts of COVID-19. -
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Thailand’s Agricultural Export Flows
Published on December 24, 2021
Research Paper #4. The spread of COVID-19 has caused uncertainty in Thailand agricultural trade flows. This study makes a preliminary analysis to explore the impact of COVID-19 on Thailand’s agri-food export flows. -
How Specific Resilience Pillars Mitigate the Impact of Drought on Food Security: Evidence from Uganda
Published on December 6, 2021
Research Paper #3. This paper studies household resilience capacities in Uganda with a special focus on how different resilience capacities mitigate the impact of drought on food security. -
Climate Shocks and Resilience: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
Published on November 18, 2021
Research Paper #2. In this paper we examine the relationship between climate shock and household consumption and then assess how household resilience influences this relationship. -
Early Impacts of COVID-19 on Household Incomes and Food Consumption – The Kenyan Case
Published on October 1, 2021
This policy brief reports on the impact that COVID-19 had on incomes and food security in Kenya as of July-September of 2020 - four- to six months into the pandemic.