10 tips for organizing a 4-H youth exchange
Published on May 15, 2019
Youth exchanges build cultural appreciation and life skills. Follow these 10 steps for a successful exchange. -
Raise your hand for Michigan 4-H!
Published on March 28, 2019
Join me in voting for Michigan 4-H to support the next generation of 4-H’ers. -
Time to start thinking about summer projects
Published on February 18, 2019
It's not too early to start thinking and planning for projects you would like to learn about during the upcoming summer. -
Finnish IFYE international exchange shares her story
Published on January 2, 2019
One way to spend a gap year between high school and college is on international exchange through the IFYE Association. -
Thirty-four years of international friendship
Published on January 2, 2019
Host an exchange student and share your life events and experiences over a lifetime. -
Opening minds through international exchange
Published on December 14, 2018
Host families and youth share the impact of hosting an international guest for one month during the summer. -
Taiwan 4-H staff member travels to Michigan to experience our 4-H program
Published on December 13, 2018
A Taiwan 4-H staff member is gaining staff development experience and learning from our Michigan 4-H program as part of the IFYE Association’s Foreign Exchange Program. -
Michigan youth travel abroad for a life-changing experience
Published on December 11, 2018
Whether it is Costa Rica, Norway or Japan, lives were changed after relationships were formed with Michigan youth and international host families. -
Youth develop global leadership competencies through 4-H – Part 5
Published on December 10, 2018
4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in a Global World curriculum focuses on developing creativity, one of five youth global leadership competencies. -
Youth develop global leadership competencies through 4-H – Part 4
Published on December 7, 2018
4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leadership in a Global World curriculum focuses on developing communication skills, one of five youth global leadership competencies.