2021 Africa Agricultural Status Report (AASR) is Now Available

The MSU Food Security Group and its Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence partners ReNAPRI have played a pivotal role in the production of the 2021 AASR.

The United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) has thrust food systems transformation onto the main stage of international discourse in 2021. Concepts of resilience, sustainability, and “green growth” have also gained tremendous traction internationally. Consensus is emerging across the globe that our livelihoods, jobs, and indeed the health of the planet, are fundamentally dependent on developing resilient and sustainable economies. Food systems are a fundamental part of the global economic system – the world’s population depends on them for sustenance. As is the case elsewhere, in Africa, many people depend entirely on food systems for employment and incomes as well. For these reasons, building resilient and sustainable food systems is crucial to ensuring sustainable economies and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 Goals. However, Africa remains food insecure, accounting for 256 million of the world’s 795 million people suffering from hunger. Against this challenge, this 2021 Africa Agriculture Status Report (AASR21) provides evidence and insights on the prospects of achieving resilience and sustainability in Africa’s food systems.

Michigan State University (MSU) continues to play an important role in the creation of the AASR. This year University Foundation Professor, Thom Jayne, in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE) at Michigan State University along with Lulama Ndibongo Traub of ReNAPRI, Kevin Urama of the African Development Bank, and Louise Fox of the Brookings Institute served as the reports lead editors.

The full report can be found through this link.


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