BHEARD Roundup
Welcome to BHEARD's first student roundup – a regular update on student activities including academic, professional and personal.
Welcome to BHEARD's first student roundup – a regular update on student activities including academic, professional and personal. In the last few weeks:
Susan Otieno passed an important test, taking another step toward earning her Ph.D. She's studying plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology at MSU. She plans to return home to Kenya in a few months, where she will continue her research.
Elizabeth Chimera Sitali earned her master's degree in veterinary epidemiology and is back home in Malawi, studying livestock disease and its potential impact on human health.
Fatimata Diarra was recognized by USAID Mali, which highlighted her research focused on strategies that women and men in rural areas can develop to cope with climate change.
Memory Chikondi Liomba published a research paper, her first ever, in the Journal of Advances in Food Science & Technology. The topic is Sensory and Proximate Assessment of Fat Cakes Enriched With Soybean Protein.
Korbla Edwin Akley is working to build food security for northern Ghana's smallholders.