Bailey Community Council Meeting Minutes: January

Minutes from the Bailey Community Council Meeting which was held on January 9, 2019.

Bailey scholars in classroom

The first 2019 spring semester Bailey Community Council Meeting was held on January 9, 2018 in the Bailey classroom. The meeting started at 6:30 p.m. and leaders present at the meeting were Dustin, Erin, Reva and Rebecca. The ANR 210 Bailey class was represented by Hunter, Zakia,Jeremy, Emma and Dacia. The ANR 310 class was represented by Holly Pummell and the ANR 410 class by Melissa, Mallory, Chrissy, Silvia and Charles.

An update from the ANR 210 class was that the class was going on well, they had icebreakers, went through the syllabus and toured the Bailey space. As for the ANR 310 class, there had not been many icebreakers and the class had not been very engaging. However, there is hope for positive change and the class was looking forward to having experts visit the class. The ANR 410 class had icebreakers, discussed their project-based learning project surrounding access to education; equal resources for suburban and rural school and also discussed career paths/degrees outside of a college education. The leadership team also gave updates on upcoming programs and events such as the Bailey community lunch, winter olympics, a mentorship program, new member dinner, an Acts of Kindness Service Event, spring semester goals, a social media plan, and a mindfulness project.   

Community norms and Bailey service requirements which were proposed the previous semester were reviewed in the meeting. Students enrolled in a Bailey core course (ANR 210, ANR 310, ANR 410) are required to complete and report four hours of service during the semester they’re enrolled in the core courses. Two of the service hours must be Bailey-related, either at a program service or engagement event. However, there has not been any built-in enticement to complete the service requirement. Therefore, it was proposed that, starting with spring semester 2019, failure to complete the requirement will result in a student’s final grade to be lowered by 0.5.  So, if a student earned a 4.0 but did not complete their service, they would receive a 3.5.  

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