Prevent diabetes by setting just one behavior goal

Setting just one goal may be a success in preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes.

Have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or have a family history of diabetes? If so, you may want to start now by setting one goal to assist you in preventing diabetes down the road.

Goal-setting often focuses on the larger outcome and not the behavior that may contribute to the outcome. For example, often weight loss is a typical goal for many people with or without a prediabetes diagnosis. But what behavior can a person change that my result in weight loss?

Examples of behaviors that may lead to reduced weight include:

  • Smaller portions
  • Increased physical activity
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables
  • Eating less fat grams and calories

These are all examples of behaviors that may lead to a decrease in weight and preventing diabetes. If you understand your long-term goal, you may then be able to break down your goal into smaller, short-term goals each week. Each week you can add additional items or re-think and revise your goal if you are having a hard time succeeding with your behavior goal.

A goal of decreased portion sizes may look like this week-by-week:

  • Week 1: Measure out cereal in the morning to 1 cup
  • Week 2: Continue to measure out cereal and limit sweets to 1 serving per day
  • Week 3: Continue with above and limit soda consumption to one 22 oz. soda per day
  • Week 4: Continue with above and start to track food intake each day with portions on-line

Make sure to choose a behavior goal that you want to do! If a barrier or set-back occurs jump right back on the goal train the next day! Getting support from friends, family or other programs may assist you in reaching your goals.

The Health and Nutrition Institute programs of Michigan State University Extension may be a helpful resource that can also provide you with weekly nutrition classes and the support you need!

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