Tips for taking care of your feet as a diabetic
As a diabetic, you have to pay special attention to the condition of your feet.
Those who have diabetes have a greater chance of losing a toe, foot or leg. Overtime diabetes can cause loss of feeling in your feet. You may not feel a blister on your foot or even a pebble that is in your shoe. This can add to sores and infections that will not heal due to being diabetic. The Diabetes can also lower the amount of blood flow to the feet which will lead to foot problems. If you take care of your feet, check them every day and manage your sugar levels you should have healthy feet.
Always work with your Health Team and Diabetes Educator to make a lifestyle plan that includes foot care. The following tips are from the National Institute of Health , National Diabetes Prevention Program and Michigan State University Extension.
Check your feet every day
Check for sores, cuts, red spots and infected toenails. If you have a difficult time, bending over to see bottom of feet, place a mirror under your foot and you will be able to see if there are sores on your feet.
Wash your feet every day
Wash your feet in WARM water, not hot and do not soak them. They will dry out and become sore. Use cornstarch or talcum powder between your toes so keep them dry and soft.
Keep the skin soft and smooth
Use a little lotion on the tops and bottoms of your feet. Do not put lotion between your toes for this can cause an infection.
Smooth corns and calluses
If you get a corn or callus, the best thing to do is to inform your health care provider. Do not cut corns or calluses for this can cause infection. Your physician might suggest using a pumice stone. Do not use liquid corn and callus removers: always check with your physician.
Trim your toenails regularly or see a foot doctor to do so
Trim nails after you wash and dry your feet. Trim the nails straight across and smooth corners with a soft emery board. Do not cut into the corners of the toenails.
Wear shoes and socks at all times
Do not walk barefoot because a diabetic is at risk of infections. Socks will help present blisters on the bottom of your feet. Wear shoes that fit well and protect your feet
Protect your feet from hot and cold
When in the sand always were shoes. It is very easy to burn your feet, and a diabetic does not always feel the burn. If your feet get cold at night, wear socks to bed. Wear lined boots in the winter to keep your feet warm
Keep the blood flowing to your feet
Wiggle toes a few times a day, and move your angles up and down to help blood flow through your legs and feet. Do not cross legs for long periods of time. Do not smoke. Smoking lowers the amount of blood flow to your feet.
Be more active
Being active improves your blood flow. If you are not active start slowly and gradually add up to 30 minutes a day. Wear shoes that give support when being active.