Uganda-DANRE ICD report
During the September visit of four faculty members (Dr. Gabriel Elepu – Head of Department, Dr. Jackline Bonabana-Wabbi, Dr. Alex Tatwangire and Dr. Fred Bagamba) from the Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics (DANRE) to Kansas State University, a November 2017 visit to Makerere University was scheduled. After a number of emails and Skype meetings a visit to Makerere University was agreed on to take place from November 10 – 17, 2017.
In addition to discussing programming issues related to the DANRE-K-State Project, a colloquium on “Trading in the Global Economy with Emphasis on Coffee” was also arranged. The purpose of this colloquium was to take advantage of the presence of Professors from around the world who teach the Masters in Agribusiness in their respective universities who had voted to have their biannual retreat Uganda. The timing of the retreat coincided with the DANRE-K-State meetings. This was an opportunity to initiate the process of enhancing international linkages among DANRE faculty and visiting faculty.
1. The Colloquium
2. Second Year Plan (FY2018)
3. Grants
4. Faculty Engagement with Private Sector and Industry
5. DANRE and the College of Business and Management Sciences (COBAMS) prospects for joint course work
6. Status of the Memorandum of Understating with Visit to the University Vice Chancellor
7. Status of the DANRE Strategic Plan
Link to the full report: /bheard/Uganda DANRE Report November 2017.pdf