Azhar Uddin

Azhar Uddin

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I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics at Michigan State University. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Washington State University in April 2022. I earned 3 master's degrees (MS in Statistics, Washington State University; MS in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona; MS in Economics, Madras School of Economics) and completed my BA (Hons.) in Economics from the University of Delhi. My primary research area is in consumer demand for food products, technology adoption, and agribusiness marketing. As an applied economist, my research interest also includes health, gender gap, intergenerational mobility, education, and cultural norms. Currently, I am involved in a project on tracking consumer preferences and demand for online food ordering. We are interested in studying how consumer choice is influenced by different types of interventions in online food ordering platforms.