Melissa Elischer

Melissa Elischer

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Academic Specialist - Department of Animal Science



Melissa Elischer is an Academic Specialist in the Department of Animal Science in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University (MSU). In this role, she teaches animal behavior, animal ethics, and introductory dairy science courses. 

Prior to joining the Department of Animal Science, Melissa was with MSU Extension as the statewide 4-H Dairy Educator for ten years. She obtained her Master of Science at MSU in Animal Science with a thesis titled Characterizing the health and welfare of periparturient dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Melissa's undergraduate degrees were obtained from Purdue University: a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, with a concentration in Animal Care and Well-being and minors in Biology and Philosophy, and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Design and Technology, with a concentration on Lighting D&T with a minor in Women's Studies.

Classes taught

ANS 134: Dairy Production 1

ANS 305: Applied Animal Behavior

ANS 305L:  Applied Animal Behavior Laboratory

ANS 401: Ethical Issues in Animal Agriculture

ANS 805: Animal Welfare Assessment

Education Abroad: Produzioni Animali: Exploring Animal Production in Italy


2023 MSU Extension Excellence in Teaching Award

2022 MSU Extension Institute Team Award: Children and Youth Institute Michigan 4-H Animal Science Skillathon Team

2022 MSU Extension Institute Team Award: Children and Youth Institute LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Team

2022 Michigan Association of Extension 4-H Youth Staff (MAE4-HYS) Excellence in Peer Professional Development Award

2021 MSU Extension Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impact Award

2016 Michigan Association of Extension 4-H Youth Staff (MAE4-HYS) Presidential Citation


Google Scholar

Journal Publications

Elischer, M.F., L.M. Sordillo, J.M. Siegford, and E.L. Karcher.  2015.  Short communication: Characterizing metabolic and oxidant status of pastured dairy cows postpartum in an automatic milking system.  Journal of Dairy Science.  98, pp. 7083-7089.  doi: 

Elmore, M. R. P. , M. F. Elischer, M. C. Claeys, E. A. Pajor.  2015.  The effects of different flooring types on the behavior, health, and welfare of finishing beef steers.  Journal of Animal Science.  93, pp. 1258–1266.  doi:

Elischer, M.F., M.E. Areco, E.L. Karcher, and J.M. Siegford.  2013.  Validating the accuracy of activity and rumination monitor data from dairy cows housed in a pasture-based automatic milking system.  Journal of Dairy Science.  96, pp. 6412-6422.  doi:

Selected MSU Extension Publications

Animal welfare at the fair: Thermoregulation and thermoneutral zone (2021)

Animal welfare at the fair: Heat stress (2021)

Animal welfare at the fair: Water consumption (2021)

Animal welfare for youth: Part 1 - What is animal welfare? (2020)

The Five Freedoms: A history lesson in animal care and welfare (2019)

History of dairy cow breeds: Jersey (2016)

History of dairy cow breeds: Brown Swiss (2016)

Animal adaptations for winter (2015)

History of dairy cow breeds: Holstein (2014)