Extension Agriculture & Agribusiness in Michigan
Published on December 11, 2023
Michigan State University Extension educators work with farms of all sizes to positively impact individual farming operations. When individual operations do well, their success helps to fuel state and local economies. -
MSU Extension provides workforce development opportunities for the animal agriculture industry
Published on September 6, 2023
Michigan State University Extension provides valuable services, programs and information for Michigan’s agriculture industry. -
MSU Extension programs improve animal health
Published on September 5, 2023
Michigan State University Extension provides valuable services, programs and information for Michigan’s animal agriculture industry by engaging in research, education and outreach that addresses animal health concerns directly on the farm. -
Interim Update on the Economic Impact of Michigan's Agri-Food System
Published on June 6, 2023
This document offers an interim update on the economic impact of Michigan's agri-food and agri-energy system. -
The Outlook for Michigan Agriculture 2023
Published on April 11, 2023
This analysis outlines the outlook for agriculture with a particular emphasis on commodities of particular importance to Michigan. -
The Anatomy of a Soil Test Report
Published on March 9, 2023
A summary of how to understand a soil test report to help you best understand and analyze the results to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions. -
Legacy of the Land
Published on November 4, 2022
Through the MDARD/FRSAN Legacy of the Land grants, MSU Extension can help you navigate stress and challenges to make sound decisions for your farm. -
A Field Guide To Soil Sampling
Published on October 13, 2022
Soil sampling is a foundational step to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions. This step-by-step field guide is a summary of best practices and recommendations for composite soil sampling to help you do just that. -
Vaccination Strategies for Pigs Raised on Small Farms
Published on June 8, 2022
Many diseases in pigs can be prevented or their effects minimized by vaccines formulated specifically for use in pigs. These vaccines provide a management tool that, when used properly, can greatly reduce reliance on the other medications. -
Industry Collaborations Led by MSU Extension Focus on Preparedness for Michigan's Animal Agriculture Industry
Published on May 12, 2022
With contributions of more than $104.7 billion annually to our state’s economy, agriculture is one of Michigan’s most important and productive industries.