Smooth groundcherry – Physalis longifolia var. subglabrata
Physalis longifolia Nutt. var. subglabrata (Mackenzie & Bush) Cronq.
Solanaceae (Nightshade family)
MI Status
Life cycle
Erect, branching, rhizomatous perennial.
Alternate, egg-, lance- to diamond-shaped with entire to toothed margins and long petioles. Leaves are smooth to slightly hairy.
Erect, branching, angled, up to 3-foot-tall herbaceous stems that become smooth and semi-woody with age.
Flowers and fruit
Flowers have five yellow to greenish yellow petals with purple centers, fused into a bell shape and found drooping and solitary in branch and leaf axils. Fruit are orange, red or purple, globe-shaped berries surrounded by a green, lantern shaped, papery bladder. Each fruit contains many flat, circular to kidney-shaped seeds.
Seeds and rhizomes.
Similar weeds
Apple of Peru
[Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.]
Differs by having an aggressive, annual habit, being up to 4 feet tall and having blue, upward facing, bell-shaped flowers.