James Hart

James Hart

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Associate Professor Emeritus, Forest Soils, Hydrology and Landscape Ecology
Department of Forestry


Courses Taught

Fundamentals of Soil and Landscape Science (FOR/CSS 210)

  • Forest Hydrology (FOR 810)
  • Special Problems in Forestry (FOR 490)
  • MS Research (FOR 899)
  • Ph.D. Research (FOR 999)

Previously taught:

  • Introduction to Forestry (FOR 210)
  • Plants and their Environment (FOR 220)
  • Forest Ecology (FOR 304)
  • Forest Hydrology (FOR/CSS/RD 409)
  • Forestry Field Studies (FOR 420)
  • Forest Soils (FOR 424)
  • Forest Soils (FOR/CSS 824)
  • Forest Ecology (FOR 804)

Research Interests

Forest soils, hydrology, and landscape science. Prior and current research studies include: nitrates and pesticides in shallow groundwater under Christmas Tree plantations; hydrology and geochemistry of wetlands; ecological, silvicultural and hydrological effects of sludge application to forestlands; forest soil fertility and moisture; critical ecological processes in forest soils; soil-site productivity relationships; ecological forestland classification and survey; acid rain effects on forest soils and tree growth; Christmas tree production; . Previous experience with Army Corps of Engineers and as Soil Scientist with Southern Forestry Research Center for Weyerhaeuser Company. Joint appointee in MSU Department of Crop and Soil Science.

Active Programs and Grants

  • Relationship of shallow groundwater chemistry and fertility to ecological landtypes in Northern Lower Michigan.
  • Atrazine, simazine, hexazinone and nitrate in groundwater under Michigan Christmas Tree Plantations (Michigan Department of Agriculture Grant).
  • Soil and hydrology relationships of forested landscape ecosystems (Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Project).
  • Development of ecosystem classification system (ECS), inventory systems, and interpretations for the Huron Manistee National Forest (USFS, North Central Forest Experiment Station).
  • Long term silvicultural growth responses of entic haplorthod oak-red maple ecosystems and typic hapudalf northern hardwood ecosystems to municipal sludge fertilization.

Selected Publications

Soil Fertility, Forest Fertilization, Environmental Effects

Campbell, R.G. and J.B. Hart, Jr. 1977. The practice and impacts of southern forest fertilization. Weyerhaeuser Research Report 042-1003/77/15. 11 p.

Hart, J.B., Jr., A.L. Leaf and S.J. Stutzbach. 1969. Variation in potassium availability to trees within an outwash soil. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 33: 950-954.

Leaf, A.L., R.A. Leonard, J.V. Berglund. A.R. Eschner. P.H. Cochran, J.B. Hart Jr., G.M. Marion, and R.A. Cunningham. 1970. Growth and development of Pinus resinosa plantations subjected to irrigation-fertilization treatments. p. 97-118. IN: Third N. Amererican Forest Soils Conference. N.C. State University, Raleigh, N.C.

Hart, J.B., Jr. 1966. Irrigation Fertilization Study. I. Soil variability, and II. Design and instrumentation. MS Thesis, 163 pp. New York State College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y.

Hosner, J.F., A.L. Leaf, R. Dickson and J.B. Hart, Jr. 1965. Effects of varying soil moisture on the nutrient uptake of four bottomland tree species. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 29:313-316.

Merkel, D. M. 1988. Soil nutrients in glaciated Michigan landscapes: distribution of nutrients and relationships with stand productivity. Ph. D. Dissertation. 120pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824.

Burton, A. J. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Sludge Application to Forest Ecosystems

James B. Hart, Jr. and Phu. V. Nguyen. 1994. Soil, Groundwater, and Plant Resources in Sludge-Treated Bigtooth Aspen Sapling Ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Quality 23:1257-1264.

Hart, J. B., P. V. Nguyen, D. H. Urie, and D. G. Brockway. 1988 Silvicultural use of wastewater sludge. Journal of Forestry 86:17-24

Brockway, D.G., D.H. Urie, P.V. Nguyen and J.B. Hart. 1987. Wastewater and sludge nutrient utilization in forest ecosystems. IN The Forest Alternative for Treatment and Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Wastes. 1986. Ed D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry and W.L. Nutter. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wa. pp 221-245.

Hart, J.H., J.B. Hart and P.V. Nguyen. 1987. Aspen Mortality Following Sludge Application in Michigan. IN: The Forest Alternative for Treatment and Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Wastes. 1986. Ed D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry and W.L. Nutter. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wa. p. 266-271.

Nguyen P.V., J.B. Hart, Jr., and D.M. Merkel. 1987. Municipal sludge fertilization on oak forests in Michigan: Short-term nutrient changes and growth responses. IN: The Forest Alternative for Treatment and Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Wastes. 1986. Ed D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry and W.L. Nutter. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wa. pp 282-291.

Merkel,D.M., J.B. Hart, Jr., P.V. Nguyen and C.W. Ramm. 1987. Municipal sludge fertilization on oak forests in Michigan: Estimations of long-term growth responses. IN: The Forest Alternative for Treatment and Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Wastes. 1986. Ed D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry and W.L. Nutter. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wa. pp 292-300.

Burton, A.J., D.H. Urie, and J.B. Hart, Jr. 1987. Nitrogen Transformations in four sludge-amended Michigan Forest Types. IN: The Forest Alternative for Treatment and Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Wastes. 1986. Ed D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry and W.L. Nutter. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wa. pp 142-153.

Urie, D.H., A.J. Burton, J.B. Hart and P.V. Nguyen. 1986. Hydrologic and water quality effects from sludge application to forests in northern lower Michigan. Final report. EPA Reg. V Clean Water Act Section 108, Grant S005551. Michigan State University, Dep. of Forestry. E. Lansing MI 48824. 131 p.

Hart, J.B. and P.V. Nguyen. 1986. Ecological monitoring of sludge fertilization on state forest lands in northern lower Michigan. Final report. EPA Reg. V Clean Water Act Section 108, Grant S005551. Michigan State University, Dep. of Forestry. E. Lansing MI 48824.

Brockway, D.G. 1979. Evaluation of northern pine plantations as disposal sites for municipal and industrial sludge. Ph. D. Dissertation. 210pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Site Preparation, Regeneration and Soil-Growth Relationships

Hart, J.B., D.M. Moehring, J.F. Mexal, and J.E. Buneau. 1978. Response of loblolly pine to soil ripping. Weyerhaeuser Company Research Report 042-2303/78/82. 19p.

Hart, J.B. and C.M. Peters. 1978. Impacts of logging damage in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Weyerhaeuser Company Research Report 042-2303/78/91. 21 p.

Hart, J.B. and T.F. Fitzgerald. 1977. Experience with motorized rotary auger planting of plug seedlings in stony soils. Weyerhaeuser Research Report 042-2302/77, 7 p.

Hart, J.B. 1977. Estimating natural stand and plantation site indices from soil and topographic information - Mississippi/Alabama Loblolly pine. Weyerhaeuser Technical Report 042-2303/77, 22 pg.

Hart, J.B. Jr. 1977. Problem analysis: Regeneration soils relationships. Weyerhaeuser Company Special Report. 15p.

Smith, W.D., R.L. Bailey, and J.B. Hart, Jr. 1975. Estimating plantation site index from natural stand data - Mississippi/Alabama loblolly pine. Weyerhaeuser Research Report 73/7222/75/15. 7 p.

Walstad, J.D., J.B. Hart, Jr., and S.L. Cade. 1973. Carbofuran-clay root dip protects loblolly pine seedlings from debarking weevils. Journal Economic Entomology 60:1219-1220. Abstract.

Walstad, J.D., J.B. Hart, and R. Nalley. 1973. Morphological characteristics and field performance of graded loblolly pine seedlings. Weyerhaeuser Research Report. Project 72-3,. 8 p.

Hart, J.B. 1972. Use of Weyerhaeuser soil-site relationships in northern Alabama and Mississippi. Weyerhaeuser Research Report. 17p.

Hart, J.B. Jr., R.A. Cunningham and A.L. Leaf. 1967. Photogrametric determination of red pine terminal leader elongation. Forest Science 13:203-206

Bylin, C. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Kohler, C.E. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Marshal, J. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Tree Nursery and Christmas Trees

Koelling, M. R. , J. B. Hart and L. Leefers. 1992. Christmas tree production. IN. Status and potential of Michigan Agriculture - Phase II. Special Report No. 61. MSU AES, East Lansing. September 1992.

Lantagne, D.O., and J.B. Hart. 1985. Fertilization of Christmas trees: When, if and how should it be done. Michigan Christmas Tree Journal 27(5):4-7.

Hart, J.B., Jr. 1980. Basic nursery soil physical properties. Proceedings N. Amer. Forest Tree Nursery Soils Workshop. pp 44-51. July 28-Aug. 1, 1980. State University of new York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y.

Forest Hydrology, Soil Water, Wetlands and Soil Physics

Rodney A. Chimner and James B. Hart 1996. Hydrology and microtopography effects on northern white-cedar regeneration in Michigan's upper peninsula. Canadian Journal Forest Research 26:389-393.

Chimner, R. A. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Hart, J.B., Jr. 1970. Solutes in pressure membrane filtrates of several clay-water-electrolyte systems. Ph. D. Dissertation. 109pp. N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, N.C.

Acid Rain Effects on Soils and Forests

MacDonald, N.W. and J.B. Hart, Jr. 1990. Relating sulphate adsorption to soil properties in Michigan forest soils. Soil Science Society America Journal 54:238-245.

MacDonald, N. W., J.B. Hart, Jr., and P.V. Nguyen. 1986. Simulated acid rain effects on Jack pine seedling establishment and nutrition. Soil Science Society America Journal 50(1):219-225.

MacDonald, N. W. 19__. Title. Ph. D. Dissertation. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824.

MacDonald, N. W. 19__. Title. MS Thesis. ____pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824

Forestland Classification, Mapping and Inventory

Cleland, D.T., J.B. Hart, G.E. Host, K.S. Pregitzer and C.W. Ramm. 1993. Field Guide: Ecological Classification and Inventory System of the Huron-Manistee National Forests. USDA Forest Service. Huron Manistee National Forests. 421 S. Mitchell St., Cadillac, MI 49601. 9 chapters and 6 appendices.

Host, G.E., C.W. Ramm, E.A. Padley, K.S. Pregitzer, J.B. Hart and D.T. Cleland. 1992. Field Sampling and Data Analysis Methods for Development of Ecological Land Classifications: An Application on the Manistee National Forest. USDA Forest Service. NCFES. Gen. Tech Report NC-162. St. Paul, MN. 47p.

Merchant, P., D.T. Cleland, and J.B. Hart. 1988. Hoosier National Forest Ecological Classification System Development Proposal. Outline plan and methodology for 2-5 year research program. 22 p.

Forest Ecology, Biodiversity, Planning and Ecosystem Management

Cleland, David T., Thomas R. Crow, James B. Hart, and Eunice Padley. 1994. Resource Management Perspective: Remote Sensing and GIS Support for Defining, Mapping and Managing Forest Ecosystems. IN: Remote Sensing and GIS in Ecosystem Management. Ed. V. Alaric Sample. American Forests. Forest Policy Center. Island Press. Washington DC. p. 243-265.

Hart, J.B., Jr., L.A. Leefers and D.T. Cleland. 1991. Integration of Ecological Classification and Vegetation Management Inventorys for Analysis and Planning. IN: Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest resources. Mar 3-9, Charleston, SC. SEFES, PO Box 2680, Ashville, NC 28802. 1991. p 136-140.

Cleland, D.T and J.B. Hart. 1991. Examples of Ecosystem Management in the Huron-Manistee National Forests. Presented at Ecosystem Management In a Dynamic Society, Purdue University November 19-21.

Cleland, D.T., T.R. Crow and J.B. Hart. 1991. Plan implimentation and monitoring for biological diversity on the Huron-Manistee National Forests. Contributed paper. Air pollution, climatic change and Biodiversity. May 20-23, 1991. Macinac Island, MI.

Leefers, L.A., D.T. Cleland and J.B. Hart. 1987. Ecological classification system: Information and economics. IN Proceedings of Sixth Central Hardwoods Conference, Knoxville TN, Feb 24-26, 1987. 10p.

Host, G.E., K.S. Pregitzer, C.W. Ramm, J.B. Hart, and D.T. Cleland. 1987. Landform-mediated differences in successional pathways among upland forest ecosystems in northwestern Lower Michigan. Forest Science 33:445-457.

Cleland, D.T., J.B. Hart, Jr., K.S. Pregitzer and C. W. Ramm. 1985. Classifying oak ecosystems for management. IN: Symposium proceedings - Problems in oak management and utilization. March 28 & 29. Madison, Wi.

Hart, J.B., Jr. 1982. Ecological effects of recreation use on campsites. IN:Guiding land use decisions: Planning and management for forests and recreation. pp 150-182. Edited by D.W. Countryman and D.M Sofranko. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md.

Padley, Eunice A. 1989. Associations among glacial landforms, soils, and vegetation in northeastern Lower Michigan. Ph. D. Dissertation. 279pp. Forestry Department. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 48824.


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Web Documents

Huron Manistee National Forest ECS Field Guide (partially implemented)