Annual Water System Inspection Log Example
Annual Water System Inspection log example
Worker Training Record Template
Template to record the date, topics covered, and employees trained during your farm worker training
Farmworker Produce Safety Training Tools
This presentation trains farm managers and crew leaders to conduct successful produce safety training programs.
The "Musts" of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule
This document contains the ‘musts’ that are outlined in the PSA Grower Training slides supplied to attendees of the course.
Manure Use
This document will lead users through the recommended use and storage of raw manure to ensure GAP and FSMA PSR compliance.
Dealing With Irrigated Crops
This guidance document will offer a number of food safety considerations when irrigating your crops.
BSAAO Planning Checklist
Farm soil amendment self assessment
Qualified Exemption Infographic
This infographic shows you what criteria your farm must meet in order to be eligible for a qualified exemption.
Compost and Biosolids
Manure and Organic Fertilizers Segment 3: Compost and Biosolids
Farm Food Safety Contacts
This document will help you figure out who to contact if a food safety issue arises on the farm.
Funding for this website was made possible in part by the Food and Drug Administration through grant PAR-16-137. The views expressed in the posted materials do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices or organization imply endorsement by the United States Government.