
Explore Michigan cucumber sourcing tips, resources, and recipes for your institution.

Cucumbers are a wonderful and refreshing summer vegetable. Usually available in July, August and September, fresh cucumbers are good sources of vitamins A and C and the mineral molybdenum. They are also rich in potassium, manganese, folate, dietary fiber and magnesium.

Add them to salads, sandwiches and wraps! Or use them even more simply by adding cucumber slices to water or create quick-pickles by covering slices in a delicious brine and refrigerating!

Facts about Michigan Cucumbers

  • In 2017, Michigan ranked first in the U.S. for production of pickling cucumbers and third for fresh market cucumbers.
  • Cucumbers are low in calories due to high water content.
  • Sold fresh to be eaten immediately, slicing cucumbers tend to have thicker skins and are longer and darker green than pickling cucumbers.

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