
Use these promotional materials, recipes, and sourcing tips to celebrate Michigan onions at your institution!

Eggs play a vital role in all food service operations, as a key ingredient in many recipes and a wonderful protein-packed snack on their own. Michigan is home to a growing egg industry, ranking as the nation’s sixth largest producer of eggs. 

Facts about Michigan Eggs

  • Michigan is now home to 15 million laying hens, which each produce 250-300 eggs per year.
  • Refrigerate eggs at 45°F or lower when they are received and keep them refrigerated until they are used. 
  • One egg supplies 12% of an adult’s required daily protein.

Featured Egg Recipe

Mini Bacon & Swiss Quiche

Featured Story

Cracking the Code: Bronson Healthcare's Journey to Local Eggs 

Promote Michigan products by using these marketing materials in your institution's cafeteria or menus

Cultivate Michigan Resources