Building on dairy success in Rwanda
Published on April 16, 2018
Rwanda’s One Cow Per Poor Family program, known locally as Girinka, is helping to revolutionize the country’s dairy industry. -
Sharpening the pencil in calf raising
Published on April 16, 2018
While the diary industry is under financial trouble, it's important to analyze aspects of your farm business. -
Pasture ponds, horses and algae. Oh my!
Published on April 4, 2018
Protect your livestock from potential illness carried in pasture ponds. Protect pasture ponds from erosion and contamination caused by livestock. -
Starter for pre-weaned calves
Published on March 29, 2018
Starter helps to tackle the nutritional gap between the growing animal and fixed nutrients coming from milk. -
Optimizing dairy beef production
Published on March 22, 2018
Crossing breeding dairy females to produce dairy/beef calves -
Be smart when farming near underground pipelines and utilities
Published on March 16, 2018
Spring means deep tillage, trenching, posthole digging, tile-laying, building and other earth-moving activities on the farm. Be aware of pipeline and utility safety issues and call 811 when needed. -
Nurse crops for new alfalfa or mixed hay seedings
Published on March 5, 2018
If you’re thinking about a nurse crop with your new hay seeding, consider the pros and cons first. -
Reducing antibiotic use and mastitis occurrence through employee training
Published on February 22, 2018
A research team led by MSU researchers is working on a way to help lower the incidence of mastitis on dairy farms through a relatively simple concept: employee training. -
New resource available for winter manure application decisions
Published on February 20, 2018
How do I know if it is safe to spread manure this winter? -
Forages poised to be shining star for field crop profitability in 2018 for Michigan
Published on February 16, 2018
Forage meetings throughout Michigan during March 2018 will highlight profitability opportunities with alfalfa and corn silages for farmers.