Collegiate 2000s


2000 College

The 2000 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included: (Pictured from left to right) Jason Canaday, of Colrain; Josh Miller, of Elsie; Sarah Krippes, of Fowlerville; Michelle Hyde, of Morley; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    • Team: 5th in Linear Evaluation, 6th in Jerseys, and 11th Overall.
    • Individuals: Jason Canaday placed 5th in Jerseys and 13th in Linear Evaluation. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Team: 4th in Milking Shorthorns, 7th in Jerseys, 10th in Brown Swiss, 12th in Oral Reasons, and 16th Overall.
    • Individuals: Jason Canaday placed 11th in Brown Swiss. Sarah Krippes placed 7th in Ayrshires. Josh Miller placed 11th in Milking Shorthorns. Michelle Hyde placed 9th in Jerseys.
    •  Practical Contest: 10th in Registered Heifers and 10th Overall. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky 
    • Team: 8th in Holstein and 15th Overall. 



2001 College

The 2001 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (pictured from left to right):  Coach Laurie Davis, Attie Hardy, of North Adams; Ann Munsell, of Fowlerville; Betty Meyer, of Byron Center; Emily Green, of Elsie; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 1st in Holsteins, 6th in Oral Reasons, and 8th Overall.
    • Individuals: Emily Green placed 2nd in Brown Swiss and 8th Overall.

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Team: 2nd in Milking Shorthorns, 5th in Holsteins, 5th in Red and Whites, 7th in Oral Reasons, and 11th Overall.
    • Individuals: Emily Green placed 6th in Milking Shorthorns. Ann Munsell placed 8th in Milking Shorthorns. Attie Hardy placed 10th in Oral Reasons. 
    • Practical contest: 1st overall, 2nd in commercial bred heifers, 7th in registered heifers, and 10th in linear evaluation. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky
    • Team: 1st in Holsteins, 1st in Ayrshires, 2nd Overall, 5th in Guernseys, 5th in Jerseys, 5th in Oral Reasons, and 10th in Brown Swiss.
    • Individuals: Emily Green placed 2nd in Ayrshires, 2nd in Holsteins, and 5th Overall. Attie Hardy placed 1st Overall, 4th in Brown Swiss, and 6th in Holsteins. Betty Meyer placed 3rd in Ayrshires, 9th Overall, and 10th in Holsteins. 



2022 college

The 2002 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Laurie Davis, Cari Endert, of Gladwin; Holli Whittenbach, of Ionia; Gabe Papoi, of Charlotte; David Bennett, of Mayville; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    • Team: Harrisburg - 3rd in Jerseys and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: David Bennett placed 1st in Jerseys.

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Team: 8th in Linear Evaulation and 17th Overall.
    • Individuals: David Bennett placed 7th in Guernseys. Holli Whittenbach placed 6th in Linear Evaluation, 8th in Jerseys, and 11th in Ayrshires. 
    • Practical Contest: 7th in commercial bred heifers, 8th overall, 9th in linear evaluation. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky
    • Team: 8th in Jerseys, 10th in Brown Swiss, and 13th Overall. 

  • Accelerated Genetics Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Viroqua, Wisconsin
    • Team 1: 9th in Oral Reasons and 17th Overall. 
    • Team 2: 3rd in Milking Shorthorns and 9th Overall.
    • Individuals: Ashley Liddy placed 2nd in Milking Shorthorns. 



2003 College

The 2003 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Joe Domecq; Ashley Liddy, of Gladwin; Kristin Kramer, of Harbor Beach; Beth Munsell, of Fowlerville; Lindsay Kirk, of St. Johns. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 2nd in Brown Swiss, 3rd in Holsteins, 3rd in Jerseys, 5th Overall, and 5th in Ayrshires.
    • Ashley Liddy placed 2nd in Brown Swiss. Lindsay Kirk placed 4th Overall and 5th in Holsteins. Kristin Kramer placed 4th in Holsteins. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Team: 2nd in Brown Swiss, 4th in Guernseys, 5th in Milking Shorthorns, 6th in Oral Reasons, 7th in Red and Whites, 7th in Linear Evaluation, 7th Overall, and 12th in Ayrshires.
    • Individuals: Ashley Liddy placed 3rd in Guernseys, 3rd in Milking Shorthorns, 4th in Brown Swiss, 7th Overall, and 11th in Oral Reasons. Lindsay Kirk placed 4th in Jerseys. Kristin Kramer placed 7th in Ayrshires, 15th in Brown Swiss, and 24th Overall. Beth Munsell placed 12th in Brown Swiss. 
    • Practical Contest: 7th in commercial bred heifers, 7th in linear evaluation. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky
    • Team: 4th in Oral Reasons, 9th in Jerseys, 10th in Holsteins, and 15th Overall.
    • Individuals: Ashley Liddy placed 5th in Guernseys. Lindsay Kirk placed 8th in Oral Reasons. Kristin Kramer placed 7th in Brown Swiss. Beth Munsell placed 5th in Ayrshires. 




The 2004 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Joe Domecq; Coach Karolyn Terpstra; Calby Garrison, of Onsted; Emily Sneller, of Sebewaing; Jolene Griffin, of Hastings; Jamie Perry, of Sault. St. Marie. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin 
    • Team: 2nd in Milking Shorthorns, 4th in Holsteins, 5th Overall, 5th in Oral Reasons, 6th in Ayrshires, 6th in Red and Whites, and 7th in Guernseys.
    • Individuals: Calby Garrison placed 4th in Oral reasons, 9th in Brown Swiss, and 16th Rverall. Jamie Perry placed 4th in Red and Whites. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky 
    • Team: 3rd in Guernseys, 5th in Ayrshires, 5th in Jerseys, 5th in Oral Reasons, and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: Jolene Griffin placed 6th in Brown Swiss. Jamie Perry placed 6th in Guernseys. 

  • Accelerated Genetics Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Viroqua, Wisconsin
    • Team: 5th in Ayrshires, 5th in Holsteins, and 11th Overall.
    • Individuals: Calby Garrison placed 4th in Ayrshires and 8th in Oral Reasons. 




The 2005 Michigan State Univeristy collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Joe Domecq, Jennifer Ackerman, of Vasser; Kate McCracken, of Carson City; coach Karolyn Terpstra; Amber Black, of Morley; Faye Vanderhoff, of Clayton; coach Beth Munsell. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 2nd in Linear Evaluation, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 3rd in Holsteins, and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: Amber Black placed 3rd in Linear Evaluation. Kate McCracken placed 3rd in Holsteins and 5th in Brown Swiss. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin 
    • Team: 6th in Holsteins, 8th in Guernseys, 8th in Milking Shorthorns, 8th in Red and Whites, 12th in Oral Reasons, and 15th Overall.
    • Individuals: Jennifer Ackerman placed 9th in Guernseys. Amber Black placed 4th in Holsteins. Faye Vanderhoff placed 4th in Ayrshires, 11th in Milking Shorthorns, and 17th Overall. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky 
    • Team: 2nd in Jerseys, 4th in Guernseys, 6th in Oral Reasons, and 11th Overall.
    • Individuals: Amber placed 1st Overall, 2nd in Holsteins, 2nd in Jerseys, and 5th Overall. 




The 2006 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (Pictured from left to right): Mary TenBrink, of Coopersville; Baylee Drown, of Cedar Springs; Jessica Geurink, of Allendale; Matt Sneller, of Sebewaing; Coach Karolyn Terpstra; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 2nd in Jerseys, 4th in Holsteins, 5th in Oral Reasons, and 7th Overall.
    • Individuals: Jessica Guerink placed 6th in Jerseys. Matt Sneller placed 10th in Holsteins and 10th in Oral Reasons. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Team: 1st in Milking Shorthorns, 1st in Guernseys, 3rd in Ayrshires, 3rd in Oral Reasons, 5th in Brown Swiss, and 6th overall. 
    • Practical Contest:
      • Team: 3rd in commercial heifer evaluation, 4th overall, 6th in registered heifers, 8th in linear evaluation.
      • Individuals: Jessica Geurink placed 3rd in Brown Swiss and 10th in Milking Shorthorns. Matt Sneller placed 5th in Milking Shorthorns, 8th in Ayrshires, and 10th Overall. Mary TenBrink placed 2nd in Milking Shorthorns, 6th in Ayrshires, 9th in Guernseys, and 11th in Oral Reasons. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky 
    • Team: 1st in Holsteins, 1st in Jerseys, 1st Overall, 2nd in Oral Reasons, 3rd in Guernseys, and 4th in Brown Swiss.
    • Individuals: Baylee Drown placed 3rd in Ayrshires. Jessica Guerink placed 2nd in Jerseys, 8th in Holsteins, and 9th in Oral Reasons. Matt Sneller placed 1st in Jerseys, 2nd in Oral Reasons, 2nd Overall, 3rd in Holsteins, and 9th in Guernseys. Mary TenBrink placed 1st in Guernseys, 5th in Brown Swiss, and 7th Overall. 




The 2007 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (pictured from left to right): Coach Renee McCauley, Kayla Stomack, of Minden City; Lindsey First, of Ionia; Laura Zeldenrust, of Fremont; Lindsey Bowerman, of Quincy; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 4th in Ayrshires, 6th in Guernseys, 10th in Brown Swiss, and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: Lindsey First placed 10th in Holsteins. Laura Zeldenrust placed 2nd in Ayrshires, 2nd in Brown Swiss, 2nd Overall, and 8th in Oral Reasons. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin 
    • Team: 4th in Brown Swiss, 13th in Oral Reasons, and 15th Overall.
    • Individuals: Lindsey First placed 4th in Jerseys and 10th in Holsteins. Laura Zeldenrust placed 4th in Jerseys. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky
    • Team: 4th in Brown Swiss, 8th in Jerseys, and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: Lindsey Bowerman placed 3rd in Jerseys, 4th in Brown Swiss, and 12th Overall. Laura Zeldenrust placed 3rd in Brown Swiss.




The 2008 Michigan State Univeristy collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (pictured left to right): Coach Renee McCauley, Ashley Messing, of Bad Axe; Jessica Fry, of Blanchard; Gail Carpenter, of Dansville; Heather Fry, of Blanchard; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 
    • Team: 11th Overall.
    • Individuals: Heather Fry placed 3rd in Brown Swiss. Jessica Fry placed 10th in Jerseys. Ashley Messing placed 9th in Holsteins and 25th Overall. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky 
    • Team: 3rd in Holsteins, 5th in Jerseys, 6th in Oral Reasons, and 8th Overall.
    • Individuals: Heather Fry placed 6th in Ayrshires, 7th in Jerseys, 8th in Oral Reasons, and 9th Overall. Gail Carpenter placed 20th in Oral Reasons and 24th Overall. 




The 2009 Michigan State University collegiate dairy cattle judging team members included (pictured from left to right): Coach Renee McCauley, Rosemary Rice, of Filion; Amanda Sollman, of Brown City; Emily Butcher, of Owosso; Melissa Brower, of Jamestown; and Coach Joe Domecq. (Photo provided courtesy of Agri-Graphics Ltd.)


  • All-American Dairy Invitational in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    • Team: 2nd in Ayrshires, 9th in Brown Swiss, 10th in Guernseys, 10th in Holsteins, 10th in Oral Reasons, 11th in Jerseys, and 11th Overall. Emily Butcher placed 1st in Jerseys. Rosemary Rice placed 1st in Ayrshires. Amanda Sollman placed 4th in Holsteins and 11th Overall. 

  • World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin 
    • Team: 2nd in Ayrshires, 4th in Red and Whites, 5th in Brown Swiss, 5th in Guernseys, 6th in Holsteins, 9th in Oral Reasons, and 10th Overall.
    • Individuals: Emily Butcher placed 3rd in Red and Whites, 5th in Holsteins, 8th in Guernseys, 11th in Ayrshires, and 14th Overall. Rosemary Rice placed 12th in Brown Swiss. Amanda Sollman placed 2nd in Ayrshires, 12th in Oral Reasons, and 16th in Guernseys. 

  • North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky
    • Team: 1st in Ayrshires, 5th in Brown Swiss, 7th in Oral Reasons, and 9th Overall.
    • Individuals: Melissa Brower placed 3rd in Ayrshires. Emily Butcher placed 5th in Ayrshires. Amanda Bowerman placed 10th in Guernseys.