4-H Advisory Council
The Eaton County 4-H Advisory Council assists with promoting and planning county 4-H activities and providing and encouraging educational opportunities. 4-H Council runs many county activities including scholarships for attending state workshops and educational opportunities, selection of county awards and the annual Volunteer Celebration (volunteer recognition and member award banquet).
Meetings are the first Monday of the following months at 7 p.m.: October, November, January, March, May and August. All clubs are encouraged to send representatives to the meeting, but please note that only 4-H volunteers and members are allowed to vote.
4-H Advisory Council Constitution (amended 11-8-18)
Participation Celebration
Check back in fall 2023 for information on the 2022-2023 banquet.
Participation Celebration is the annual awards banquet for Eaton County 4-H, sponsored by Eaton County 4-H Council. Help celebrate accomplishments from the prior program year! Volunteers are recognized for milestones in their years of service, youth are awarded county medals and awards and special awards are given out. Invitations are mailed to those who will be recognized at the event.
Eaton County 4-H Council Scholarship Reimbursements
The Eaton County 4-H Council will reimburse youth and adult volunteers for registration fees up to $220 for educational workshops for youth and volunteers who attend educational opportunities at state 4-H events after fulfilling all of the following requirements:
- Must complete at least one hour of Eaton County 4-H Community Service for every $20 you would like to be reimbursed for. The community services activities must be approved by the 4-H Council board and may include community service within your 4-H club or at the county 4-H level. The Eaton County MSU Extension office will have a list of approved community service activities if ideas are needed. A community service form will need to be filled out and signed. Adult volunteer hours must use the knowledge gained from the workshop.
- Youth and volunteers must make an educational short presentation at a 4-H Council meeting within two meetings of attending the event you would like to be reimbursed for. Your educational presentation must include what you learned, how it impacts your 4-H experience, at least 2-4 pictures or examples/demo of what you did, how this knowledge will impact Eaton County 4-H. (No one else will be able to make this report for the individual.)
- Each youth and volunteer can receive up to two reimbursements per year.
Individuals who would like to receive more than $100 in reimbursement must get 4-H Council board approval prior to attending. 4-H Council will not reimburse for events that cost less than $40.
4-H Event Scholarship
All 4-H youth are eligible for a $40 scholarship from 4-H Council to attend 4-H events. Thank you to Spartan Motors for your donation which is making this scholarship possible! To learn more and apply for the scholarship, please view the form below.
Jr. Dairy Association Scholarship Fund
All 4-H youth enrolled in the dairy project are eligible to receive a scholarship for the registration fee for 4-H events (the event does not have to be dairy-related). Funds are limited to a maximum of $200 and 2 events per person per year. Example events could include: 4-H Exploration Days, Kettunen Center workshops, 4-H Capitol Experience, Citizenship Washington Focus and more. If you have questions about the 4-H event you would like to attend, please contact the Extension office. To receive the scholarship, fill out and return the form below to the 4-H Council treasurer.
Jr Dairy Association Scholarship Form
Award applications for 2022-2023 are due to the Eaton County MSU Extension office by October 31st, 2023. Awards are for achievements from the 2022-2023 4-H program year. Award winners will be invited to and recognized at the annual Participation Celebration Banquet (formerly the Volunteer Celebration Banquet). Banquet date January TBD.
Learning, completing a project and recognition are important parts of the 4-H program. Recognition enhances the member’s self-esteem, increases his or her motivation to learn, encourages involvement in 4-H, develops new responsibilities, and allows them to set new goals. Volunteers have the opportunity to make this happen with youth whom you feel have made significant achievements in 4-H by nominating them for a county award; however, youth themselves may apply for an award as well.
There are many reasons for nominating a member for an award or for a member to apply for an award. Anyone who you feel deserves and meets the requirements can be nominated or apply. Remember that each youth is an individual and starts at a different point. Things you may want to consider when nominating or thinking about applying for an award:
- Would the member benefit from this award experience?
- Did the member have enthusiasm for the project?
- Did the member work hard and personally develop through the project?
Often times, leaders tend to nominate those who receive top honors at the fair, but everyone who meets the specific requirements is eligible for the awards and often times benefits more.
Award Letter to Administrative Leaders (includes project areas for County Medals and Young Achievers)
**NOTE: All awards for the 2022-2023 program year will be submitted directly to the Eaton County MSU Extension office. Individuals who need assistance with or experience technical difficulties with either form option should email msue.eaton@msu.edu or visit the Extension office for a hard copy.
- Young Achievers: PDF Form
- For youth members (4-H age of 8-11) in a project area. For project areas, see award letter to administrative leaders linked above.
- County Medal: PDF Form
- For youth members (4-H age of 12-19) in a project area. For project areas, see award letter to administrative leaders linked above.
- Achievement – Citizenship – Leadership: PDF Form
- Achievement: Emphasizes leadership, citizenship, knowledge and application of skills learned in 4-H and how you have helped others and/or your club.
- Citizenship: Emphasizes activities in community service, the ability to work and get along with others and being a good citizen.
- Leadership: Emphasizes active leadership experience and willingness to accept new leadership responsibilities.
- Outstanding Teen Leader Award Nomination: PDF Form AND Report Form: PDF Form
- Up to four awards given. Members must have completed the teen leader report form and have done a teen leader interview at this year's fair.
- Club Awards: PDF Form
- Community Service (up to three clubs) and Club Recreation - clubs can apply for one or both awards
- “I Dare You” Leadership Awards: PDF Form
- Given to two members demonstrating outstanding leadership abilities, excellence in character and well-balanced personal development (must be in 9th, 10th or 11th grade). This award corresponds to the National Leadership Award from the American Youth Foundation.
- 4-H Key Club Award: PDF Form
- This award is the top county 4-H honor. Members must be 4-H age of 15, completed three years of 4-H club work, completed 4-H projects in at least two different project areas, completed a teen leadership project and participate in three state sponsored or state 4-H events.
- Outstanding Leader Awards: PDF Form
- Up to four awards given.
- Friend of 4-H Award: PDF Form
- An individual or business can be nominated as a Friend of 4-H. Anyone may submit a nomination.
We hope to see many nominations and applications! There are many deserving 4-H members and volunteers in Eaton County. Please help us recognize their efforts and accomplishments. If you have any questions, please email zaire@msu.edu.