ABCs of ACEs

September 19, 2023 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Contact: Nicole Wethington,

Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are significant childhood traumas that can impact health and wellbeing throughout the lifespan. There is growing interest among all sectors in the understanding and prevention of ACEs through a trauma-informed approach. This introductory informational workshop will focus on ACEs data specific to Michigan. Using materials developed by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we will explore how this information can be used to provide and support more positive childhood experiences.  Attendees of this workshop will learn the ABCs of ACEs, including awareness of what ACEs are, the importance of building resilience, and the role we all can play in our communities to help mitigate the risks of adverse childhood experiences.   


  • Learn about ACEs.
  • Identify potential health outcomes associated with ACEs.
  • Develop awareness of how ACEs impact our communities.
  • Develop awareness of mitigating factors that can support resilience.


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