• Keeping Kids SAFE: The downside to "sharenting" on social media

    Published on November 7, 2019
    Social media can help friends and family who are scattered across the globe connect with each other. It can also help people feel less isolated when things get tough.

  • Keeping Kids Safe: Ages 0-5

    Published on November 4, 2019
    This resource introduces key concepts and age-appropriate activities for youth ages 0-5 that can be used to help protect children from child sexual abuse and help them build skills and knowledge that will reduce their risk of being victimized.

  • Healthy Living Focused Websites for Families

    Published on January 10, 2019
    A few of the many websites that can help you help your child learn about nutrition, physical fitness and healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Paper Plate Balance

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will practice the skill of balance by balancing a paper plate on your head.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Size Matters

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will learn that you can find serving sizes on Nutrition Facts labels. You will also learn that the serving dish we use often gives a misperception for how much food we should eat.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: A Drop of Blood

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will look at a model of a drop of blood and a picture that shows the parts of blood labeled. Using the picture, you will identify the four parts of blood in the model.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Strong Bones = Calcium

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will match the bags of flour (which represent the amount of calcium in the bones) to the age of a person. This will reinforce the idea that people build bones as they get older but then bone building stops.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Sugar Surprise

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will read nutrition labels to find sugar content. You will compare nutrition labels of drinks.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Full Healthy Living Activity Book

    Published on October 18, 2018
    The Heads In, Hearts In family enrichment program encourages families to use their minds as a tool to expand their knowledge around a variety of topic areas. This packet contains all 15 healthy living activities.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: MyPlate Bracelet

    Published on October 18, 2018
    In this activity, you will create a bracelet as a tangible reminder to help you remember to eat from each of the five food groups, drink water and stay active.