Bailey Community Council Meeting Minutes: February

Minutes from the Bailey Community Council Meeting which was held on February 13, 2019.

The Bailey Tree
The Bailey Tree

On February 13, 2019, the second 2019 Spring Semester Bailey Community Council (BCC) meeting was held in the Bailey classroom. The meeting started at 6:30pm. Dustin, Erin, Reva and Rebecca were the leaders present. The ANR 210 class was represented by Zakia, Hunter, and Jeremy. Khalifa, Ash, Charles, Carly, Chrissy and Gelica (aka the best) represented the ANR 410 class. Unfortunately, the ANR 310 did not have any representatives. After an icebreaker, updates from the two represented classes and the leadership team were shared with the group. 

Representatives from the ANR 210 class shared that the class was finishing the tools of learning and making the syllabus. They had funding requests of a total $180 for projects involving cooking, creativity (clay work), mindfulness, and painting. The funding request was passed by the council. Representatives from the ANR 410 class updated the council that a lot had been accomplished. They had decided on a project - PINK TAX! which will involve an educational aspect, feminine hygiene drive, and lobbying. A rough outline of the project has been completed but the class is still working on finishing the syllabus and doing research in subgroups. The class shared that they will be requesting funding in the near future. Since ANR 310 was not represented, a number of suggestions to encourage attending BCC meetings were raised. It was suggested that the class' funding will be cut by taking away $50. The class is supposed to present a plan of action on how to combat not attending the meeting and two different people should attend each BCC meeting. If the class is not represented again or if the plan is not executed appropriately, an additional $50 will be taken away. It was also suggested that to make up for missing the February meeting, the ANR 310 class could help with recruitment, planning a community event and/or menu (with the leadership team's support) and participating in service events.

The leadership team gave updates on upcoming events and programs such as community lunch, coffee hour, marathon of majors, teal flag tributes, the Haven House Children's Playroom service event (March 19, 2019 at 5 p.m) and the mindfulness week which will be from March 25 to March 29, 2019. It was announced that the three Spring 2019 senior share presentations will be on March 25 at 6:30 p.m, April 2 at 5 p.m and April 6, 2019 at 12 p.m in room 50 of the Morrill Hall Agriculture. The leadership team reminded the group about semester requirements of four community service hours, of which two hours should be with Bailey. After updates from the leadership team, new business was discussed.

As of new business, Carly joined the mentorship committee while Zakia joined the mindfulness committee. The mindfulness committee will focus on the prayer room project, more ways to destress, and the possibility of having dogs too. During the open forum, Dustin gave some advice on a certain degree major pathway and he also commended Charles for being amazing.

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