Bailey Community Council Meeting Minutes: November

Minutes from the Bailey Community Council Meeting, which was held on November 7, 2019.

Group of students gathered during a Bailey Community Council Meeting.

This BCC took place prior to the annual Ag Olympics. It was a lot of fun! Dustin have photos from the event if you would like to include them

Core Class Reports

  • 210 Section 1
    • This BCC took place prior to the annual Ag Olympics. It was a lot of fun! Dustin have photos from the event if you would like to include them.

  • 210 Section 2
    • Section 2 continues to grow together as they attempt to find a more productive and encouraging classroom energy. Despite their differences, they continue on their learning journey. They do not need funding at this time.
  • 310
    • ANR 310 is doing well. At the time of the meeting, they had just finished their ice skating unit. This was a very engaging unit for the class as they went to Munn Ice Arena to learn how to skate. This was some of the co-learner’s first time ever skating, and it looked to be a lot of fun. Their next unit is sustainable student. They requested $12 in funding for their core course share night activity. Request approved.

Leadership Team Reports

  • Service (Holly)
    • Dinner making night at the Haven House
    • Great opportunity for service hours
  • Engagement (Erin and Jeremy)
    • No updates at this time

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