Kenya workshop identifies potato varieties for second-generation research

Kenya workshop identifies potato varieties for second-generation research.

A consultation of stakeholders of the Kenyan potato value chain has selected three potato varieties for second-generation research under the Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership.

Led by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and the International Potato Centre (CIP), the group identified the varieties Wanjiku, Unica, and Sherekea for the pipeline research which will include a disease-resistant gene construct to protect against late blight as well as other potato diseases.

Wanjiku is an early maturity, high yield potato variety that is oblong shaped with white cream skin and creamy flesh.

Unica is a red-skinned potato first released in Peru in 1998 by CIP. It is a high yielding variety that is high in vitamin C, iron, and zinc.

Sherekea tubers are round in shape with smooth red skin. The plants feature light purple flowers.

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