USFS funds FCCP project aiming to fill forest carbon data and modeling knowledge gaps

Project funded by the USFS R9 aims to 1) assess state capacity, interest, and needs for forest monitoring, modeling, and data interpretation; and 2) fill state-level knowledge gaps via the development of knowledge transfer materials.

USFS funds FCCP project aiming to fill forest carbon data and modeling knowledge gaps

As a part of the Forest Carbon Data and Modeling Integration and Evaluation Project, made possible with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Eastern Region, Michigan State University’s Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) has produced a series of six Resource Guides on key topics in state-level forest carbon inventorying and modeling (to be released weekly 12 August through 9 September). Topics include basics on forest carbon science and management, forest inventory data and carbon calculations, the carbon modeling landscape, dealing with data uncertainty, accessing FIA data and emerging FIA applications, harvested wood products, and linkages with policymaking.

Each Guide provides an introduction to the topic as well as a list of additional resource materials to allow for a deeper dive according to individual needs, curiosity, and interests. The specific topics selected were identified as important following expert interviews and a survey conducted over 2021-2022, each of which represented diverse perspectives and state-level knowledge transfer needs.  

Topic Descriptions

Topic 0: Forest Carbon and Forest Carbon Management. An overview of forest carbon science and management, an important precursor to conversations about forest carbon modeling. The topic explores carbon stored in both ecological systems and harvested wood products.

Topic 1: Forest Inventory Data and Methodologies for Carbon Estimation. Covers the basics on forest inventory methodologies and estimation, including considerations for scaling from the tree to the landscape level.

Topic 2: Understanding the Landscape of Modeling Approaches and Best Practices for Addressing and Interpreting Uncertainty.

Topic 3: Accessing and Applications of FIA Data for Modeling. This paper outlines software and coding tools available to access FIA data and also provides a look at emerging applications for FIA data use.

Topic 4: Forest Products Data and Modeling Considerations. Introduces Timber Product Output (TPO) data on harvested wood products (HWPs) and provides guidance on additional considerations for HWP carbon estimation, including exports, product life cycles and retirement, leakage, and substitution.

Topic 5: Linking forest carbon modeling with state decision-making and communication. This paper outlines existing state-level policy levers impacting forest carbon as well as discusses the economic, political, and environmental tradeoffs and co-benefits associated with forest carbon management.

Visit our Open Resource Library (ORL) to view the Resource Guides.



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