Minsu Kim

Minsu Kim

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PhD Student


M.A., Seoul National University
B.S., Pohang University of Science and Technology

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Major professor’s name: Richard Horan 

Major professor’s email: horan@msu.edu 

Degree type: Ph.D. 

Areas of specialization: Energy, Resource, Environmental, and Public Policy

Job Market Paper: Incentivizing Capital Investments in Electric Vehicle Attributes to Stimulate Demand

Expected graduation date: Spring 2024

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics and the Department of Economics at Michigan State University. I will be on the job market in 2023-2024 and available for interviews at 2023 APPAM, SEA, and 2024 ASSA.

As an Energy and Resource Economist, my research has focused on climate impact and mitigation (energy transition). My research identifies (1) how authorities achieve maximum social welfare considering the market dynamics and social cost of carbon, (2) how the transnational municipal network affects local governments' energy policy outcome, and (3) how climate change impacts the ecosystem and agriculture.

Furthermore, I have extensive working experience with policymakers and an interdisciplinary background. Previously, I worked as a researcher for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea, the highest-level research institution in climate policy and economics in Korea. Before this work, I was a secretary for Korean Assemblyman S.J.D. Lee, Sangdon, an Environment and Labor Committee member.

I obtained a Master of City Planning in Environmental Studies from Seoul National University and completed my BS in Chemistry from Pohang University of Science and Technology.