Rick Horan

Rick Horan

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Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics



Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Pennsylvania State University
B.S., Appalachian State University
B.S.B.A., Appalachian State University

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Rick is appointed in the tenure system, and teaches Advanced Natural Resource Economics and Proofs Strategies and Analysis for Microeconomic Theory. His research interests are in the areas of environmental and natural resource economics management and policy design.  In particular, he concentrates on understanding feedbacks within coupled economic and ecological systems and how these affect management opportunities. 

His research has been published in many high-impact academic journals including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, American Economic Review, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. This work has been covered in the popular press, including The EconomistForbesFortuneBusiness Week, Foreign Policy, and the London Times.

Rick has served as Managing Editor of Resource and Energy Economics (2010–13), and as an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2008-11) and Natural Resource Modeling (2007-08). He has also served on the authoring committee for a National Academy of Sciences report.

Research and Outreach Interests

  • Bioeconomics
  • Management of endangered and threatened species and ecosystems
  • The co-evolution of economic and ecological systems
  • Prevention and control of invasive alien species
  • Infectious disease in wildlife
  • Agricultural pollution and conservation

Teaching Experience

  • AEC 925: Advanced Natural Resource Economics