Tianze Xue

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Education Background:
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, College of Agriculture
Undergraduate Program: Bachelor of Science, Entomology, Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2020

Relevant Coursework: General Chemistry, General Entomology, Fundamentals Biology 1&11, Insect Identification, Experimentation and Analysis, Insect Biology Practicum, Oceanography, Insect Ecology, Insecticide and Environment, Genetics, Insect Biology Capstone Experiment, Insect Research, Sci & Technical Communication, Insect Physiology & Biochemistry, Practical Molecular Biology Scholarship: George E. Gould Scholarship (Jan. 2017)

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml I College of Agriculture & Natural

Resources I Master in progress
Mentor: Dr. Anthony Cognato
Relevant Coursework: Master Insect immature identification, R coding