Mahdi Zareei, PhD

Mahdi Zareei

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CSUS - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems; System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modeling
Department of Community Sustainability


Home Country: Iran

Advisor: Steven Gray

Mahdi is a Ph.D. Student in the Department of Community Sustainability at Michigan State University. Also, he is a C.S. Mott pre-doctoral fellow in Sustainable Agriculture, and he has been awarded a Food System fellowship from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He received his Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering-water resource management. Mahdi is interested in sustainable food and agriculture systems and also modeling of coupled human-environment systems using System Dynamics and Agent-Based approaches. As a member of “Urban Food Systems in Flint, Michigan: Identifying Leverage Points” project, he will work on Social Network Analysis phase of the project to know more about the food, financial, and information flows through the Flint food networks. Moreover, he will try to develop System Dynamics and Agent-Based models for the Flint Food System based on the semi-structured interviews and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping activities.