Begin the journey towards parliamentary procedure certification
Published on April 3, 2021
Obtaining credentials as a parliamentarian. -
Incompatible office: what does it mean and how does it differ from a conflict of interest?
Published on March 18, 2021
Conflict of Interest and Incompatible Office are not the same thing. There are unique responses to each situation. -
MSU Assistant Professor Wonmin Sohn receives 2020-2021 CELA CLASS Fund Research Grant Award
Published on March 4, 2021
Wonmin Sohn received the CELA/CLASS Fund for her project called “Longitudinal Assessment of Development Composition and Spatial Patterns of Green Infrastructure for Effective Flood Control in Growing and Shrinking U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” -
Rethinking access to food: Lessons learned during a pandemic
Published on February 24, 2021
A list of five ways the pandemic has shifted the way we access/purchase food products. -
MSU to offer CPTED certificate training – Feb. 15-17, 2021
Published on January 15, 2021
The MSU Complete Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Certificate Training is a three-day course that focuses on understanding the relationship between the physical environment and criminal opportunities. -
What’s in a planning commission’s annual report?
Published on November 6, 2020
The annual report is a requirement of all local government planning commissions and is an opportunity to provide the community and elected officials with a review of planning commission activities and achievements. -
Is planning relevant?
Published on October 30, 2020
A list of five lessons about design and planning of the built environment for issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion. -
New sample zoning for wind energy systems
Published on October 23, 2020
An updated wind energy zoning resource is available for local units of governments in Michigan. -
Planning for all generations
Published on October 23, 2020
Generational trends are leading to changing demographics in many communities and presenting new challenges. Having strategies to bring all generations into a planning process can help communities meet these challenges. -
The uncompromising zoning administrator is not a bad person
Published on October 19, 2020
Zoning administrators are sticklers for rules, and may seem uncompromising. They have a job to do, and not doing their job can result in serious personal liability for a zoning administrator.