• Pork Quarterly- Decemeber 2018

    Published on December 1, 2018
    In this issue of the Pork Quarterly: Transport of Market Hogs in Winter Months

  • Pork Quarterly- September 2018

    Published on September 1, 2018
    In this issue of Pork Quarterly: Pests in Barns, Livestock Truck Rollover Emergency Impressions, Potential Use of Essential Oils as Alternatives to Feed Grade Antibiotics, and Swine Erysipelas.

  • Euthanasia of Large Animals - Bolt Gun

    Published on July 2, 2018
    Location and angle for humane euthanasia of large animals using a penetrating captive bolt gun.

  • Euthanasia of Large Animals - Firearm

    Published on July 2, 2018
    Location and angle for humane euthanasia of large animals using a firearm.

  • Swine Exhibit Hand Washing Sign

    Published on July 17, 2017
    The following sign can be used to help visitors to swine barns practice good hygiene and biosecurity by washing their hands after visiting.

  • Pork Quarterly - June 2017

    Published on June 20, 2017
    In this issue: Your Greatest Assets: Teams and Ideal Players, Labor Considerations, Where will you find the necessary labor for our growing industry, Looking for more information

  • Pork Quarterly - March 2017

    Published on April 10, 2017
    In this issue: All Abut the Ladies, MSU Teams Focus on Pig Aggression, Improving Genetic Selection, Critical Determinants of the First and Future Lactations, Refining Lactation Diets

  • Animal Agriculture: Impacting Animal Health and Wellbeing

    Published on December 22, 2016
    As stewards of agriculture, livestock producers are continuously focused on improving production and minimizing risks. Animal health is one area producers are always striving to improve.

  • Pork Quarterly - December 2016

    Published on December 12, 2016
    In this issue: Best Odds - Success in meeting the requirements of CSIA stars with PQA Assessments, Extra-label use for pain management in pigs, Positive Pig Handling, Statewide Winter and Spring Programs

  • Bioseguridad para Expositores Ganaderas y Avicolas

    Published on September 22, 2016
    Las exposiciones ganaderas son una parte importante de la agricultura en los Estados Unidos.