Heterogeneous consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables in Nigeria: A panel data analysis


July 14, 2023 - Charuta M. Parkhi, Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, <reardon@msu.edu>, Michael Dolislager

Key Findings

  • Fruit consumption has expanded rapidly across all regions and income groups in Nigeria, and fruit demand will continue to rise with income.
  • Vegetable consumption has declined across regions and income groups and is much below the recommended levels. Yet, there is low preference and hence lower demand for vegetables as compared to other “tastier” foods.
  • Diets have westernized with predominance of onions, tomatoes, and peppers possibly due to their versatility.
  • There is reliance on convenient-to-use products in the South (such as tomato paste).
  • Except onions, all FV items are a luxury in the rural North, the poorest area of the poorest region having lowest consumption levels.



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