Project Improving market integration for high value fruit and vegetable production systems in Indonesia

March 9, 2019 - <>, Randy Stringer

Reardon, T., & Stringer, R. (2019). project Improving market integration for high value fruit and vegetable production systems in Indonesia.


This project focussed on using empirical evidence from 2000 household surveys to inform policy and project design in ways that encourage more profitable and productive horticultural seed choices by farm households. This project results contribute to a better understanding of the factors influencing the seed adoption choices made by chilli, citrus, mango and shallot producers. The goal is to gain policy and program insights and communicate the key messages to improve small holder productivity and profitability. Project partners include The Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development (ICHORD), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Global Food & Resources.
The project draws on qualitative and quantitative methods to understand what influences household behaviour when making choices over which variety and which seed type to plant--certified hybrid or saved, open pollinated seeds. For each commodity, analysis draws on household surveys to examine the conventional views on how seed and input markets operate based on empirical results. The issues examined reflect the priority concerns identified by government policy makers, technical experts and private sector seed companies.


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