The Market for Organic and Fortified Eggs


January 31, 2004 - William A Knudson


Eggs are an important part of the American diet. According to a Mintel survey, 95 percent of consumers use eggs (Mintel eggs). Furthermore, the demand for eggs is increasing. This is due to two factors, a small, but consistent increase in the U.S. population and the increasing demand for high protein foods.

There two market segments within the egg industry that are also increasing. They are the market for organic eggs and the market for “designer” eggs, eggs that have various attributes like additional vitamins or are low in fat. The “designer” or functional eggs now account for 5 percent of the egg market (Nguyen, p.1). The market for organic eggs is also increasing. From 1999 to 2000 the market for organic meat, poultry and eggs
increased by 64 percent and it was estimated this market segment increased another 59 percent between 2000 and 2001 (Organic Trade Association, p. 1).

The distribution channel for eggs is also favorable for enterpreneurs. Private label or small manufactures control 95 percent of the market, the largest brand label firm only controls 3 percent of the market (Mintel, eggs). This paper outlines these trends in more detail. It analyzes the market for eggs,
the market for organic eggs and the market for functional eggs.


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