Controlling mossy stonecrop in lawns
Published on June 9, 2016
Mossy stonecrop, commonly called Sedum, can be a difficult weed to remove from lawns. -
Five tips to manage lawns for water quality
Published on May 26, 2016
Lawn area makes up a large part of the land surface in communities. Proper maintenance and management of these areas can protect water quality. -
New growing degree-day maps on Enviro-weather
Published on May 24, 2016
Interpreting the newly revised growing degree-day maps on MSU Enviro-weather. -
Seedheads, hawkweed and slime mold in lawns
Published on May 19, 2016
Now is when seedheads push through turfgrass, orange and yellow hawkweed flowers and slime mold covers turf blades. -
Will grass grow in my shady lawn?
Published on April 28, 2016
Grasses need eight or more hours of full sunlight a day. If you’re struggling to grow grass even after water and fertilizing, a shady lawn may be the problem. -
Lawn tips to save you money
Published on April 8, 2016
Five tips for maintaining a lawn while doing less and hopefully saving some cash. -
Snow mold field day at Treetops Golf Course
Published on March 28, 2016
The annual MSU snow mold trial field day will be held March 31, 2016, in Gaylord, Michigan. -
Pesticide applicator manual review and exam sessions in Ionia and Eaton counties
Published on February 8, 2016
Pesticide applicator manual review sessions offer excellent preparation for the Michigan pesticide licensing exam. -
Caution: Moles at work
Published on December 2, 2015
Mole damage can appear differently, but it’s the same guys digging. -
Pesticide applicator training and exam scheduled for Dec. 10, 2015 in Rogers City
Published on November 17, 2015
Pesticide applicator training and certification programs improve pesticide use practices in Michigan by ensuring certified applicators receive up-to-date information on pesticide regulation, handling and application.