The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in ways none of us could have imagined. When we were instructed to work from home and move our programs online last March, many of us suspected we would be looking at an extended timeframe. We moved swiftly and as much as we could online — classes, meetings, exams, extension programs, research field days, social events and commencements.

This is our opportunity to say thank you for the support you have offered us in so many ways. If you’ve sent a kind note or thought our way, given or documented a gift or responded to a call for assistance — thank you. 

Your support has helped bridge the gaps our students faced and showed them that they have a strong Spartan network, cheering them on, wanting them to succeed.  All of you are our most steadfast supporters. Thank you for everything, especially in these unprecedented times. 

We want to provide a glimpse into how we persevered through the past year. We've featured a few videos — to help describe that progress.