Zoning and police power ordinances are not the same, and should not be mixed together
Published on September 15, 2023
There are three types of ordinances local government might adopt. Important to focus on the difference between police power ordinances and zoning ordinances. -
Overlay zoning districts can be a valuable tool
Published on September 15, 2023
Overlay zoning districts is a valid tool in some conditions. But be careful not to overuse it when more traditional zoning techniques can do the job. -
Michigan Compiled Law may be the preferred way to cite state law
Published on September 15, 2023
There is more than one way to cite state law. There are several reasons to use the MCL citation over the Public Act number. -
Pet treats and chews
Published on September 12, 2023
Licensing, labeling and processing needs for pet treats and chews. -
County government powers are very limited
Published on September 9, 2023
A county government does not have general ordinance making authority. As a general rule counties cannot adopt ordinances. Municipalities have more authority, powers than counties, and can adopt police power ordinances. -
Helping Michigan homeowners stay in their homes after financial hardships from COVID-19
Published on September 7, 2023
MSU Extension financial and homeownership educators quickly moved to aid over 300 Michigan homeowners across 21 Michigan counties in applying for the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund program. -
Empowering Michigan state and local leaders to address housing affordability and equitable access in their own communities
Published on September 7, 2023
MSU Extension educators quickly and collaboratively responded to pressing housing policy needs and developed an extensive attainable housing program tailored to the varying geographies of urban, suburban, and rural communities in Michigan. -
Expanding equitable access to mobile food business resources for Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs in west Michigan
Published on September 1, 2023
MSU Product Center staff joined with partners to modify the successful “How to Start a Food Truck Business” online course into a four-session, in-person workshop series offered in Spanish. -
A zoning moratorium should only be done with caution
Published on August 3, 2023
A local government might adopt a moratorium to prevent development until rules are established. This is not without legal risk. Do so with caution and make sure the municipal attorney is directly involved. -
Qualifications-based selection, not bidding, is best to contract with professional services
Published on August 3, 2023
Many believe governments should bid for jobs over a certain dollar amount. But bids are not always the best selection system. When hiring professional services Qualifications-Based Selection is the better system to use.