FSP Policy Research Briefs
The mission of FSP is to inform the (policy) process and help improve local capacity for policy analysis and advocacy. To this end, FSP has developed its own series of short policy briefs that address various stakeholders and potential policy makers. They outline key scientific findings to guide an informed decision making and policy process. The Policy Research Briefs are listed in descending chronological order, and are also linked from the relevant country, component and thematic pages.
Changes in Stakeholder Perceptions of the Quality of Institutional Architecture and Quality of Agriculture and Food Security Policy Processes in Zambia
Published on January 5, 2020
H. Ngoma, M. Maredia, N. M. Mason, M. Muyanga and A. Chapoto, 2020. Changes in Stakeholder Perceptions of the Quality of Institutional Architecture and Quality of Agriculture and Food Security Policy Processes in Zambia, FSP Research Brief 110. -
Did the e-voucher approach to Zambia’s Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) outperform the traditional FISP? Evidence from the Crop Forecast
Published on January 3, 2020
N. M. Mason, A. Kuteya, H. Ngoma, Dagbegnon A. Tossou, and K. R. Baylis, 2020. Did the e-voucher approach to Zambia’s Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) outperform the traditional FISP? Evidence from the Crop Forecast, FSP Policy Brief 109. -
Smallholder maize market participation and choice of marketing channel in the presence of liquidity constraints: Evidence from Zambia
Published on December 23, 2019
Aakanksha Melkani, Nicole M. Mason, David L. Mather and Brian Chisanga, 2019. Smallholder maize market participation and choice of marketing channel in the presence of liquidity constraints: Evidence from Zambia, FSP Policy Brief 108. -
Can maize price stabilization reduce malnutrition and save lives? The case of the Zambia Food Reserve Agency
Published on December 22, 2019
Daye Kwon, Robert J. Myers, and Nicole M. Mason, 2019. Can maize price stabilization reduce malnutrition and save lives? The case of the Zambia Food Reserve Agency, FSP Research Brief 107. -
Area Mismeasurement Impact on Farmers’ Input Choices and Productivity
Published on December 21, 2019
William J. Burke, Stephen N. Morgan, Thelma Namonje, Milu Muyanga and Nicole M. Mason, 2019. Area Mismeasurement Impact on Farmers’ Input Choices and Productivity, FSP Research Brief 106. -
Agricultural Productivity and Rural Household Incomes: Micro-level Evidence from Zambia
Published on December 20, 2019
Jason Snyder, Thomas Jayne, Nicole Mason, Paul Samboko, 2019. Agricultural Productivity and Rural Household Incomes: Micro-level Evidence from Zambia, FSP Research Brief 105. -
Can Agricultural Productivity Growth Shape the Development of the Non-Farm Rural Economy? Geographically Localized Evidence from Zambia
Published on December 19, 2019
Jason Snyder, Thomas Jayne, Jordan Chamberlin, Paul Samboko, Nicole Mason, 2019. Can Agricultural Productivity Growth Shape the Development of the Non-Farm Rural Economy? Geographically Localized Evidence from Zambia, FSP Research Brief 104. -
Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage of Rice Production Systems: The Policy Analysis Matrix Approach
Published on December 18, 2019
Sule, B. A., Crawford, E. and Coker, A. A. A., 2019. Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage of Rice Production Systems: The Policy Analysis Matrix Approach, FSP Research Brief 102, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Smallholder farmers’ and other agricultural sector stakeholders’ priorities for government spending: Evidence from Zambia
Published on December 18, 2019
N. M. Mason, A. Kuteya, D. Resnick, V. Caputo, M. Maredia, R. Shupp, and H. Ngoma, 2019. Smallholder farmers’ and other agricultural sector stakeholders’ priorities for government spending: Evidence from Zambia, FSP Research Brief 103. -
A Market Survey of Fraudulent Pesticides on Sale in Mali
Published on December 17, 2019
S. Haggblade, N. Keita, A. Traoré, P. Traoré, A. Diarra and V. Thériault, 2019. A Market Survey of Fraudulent Pesticides on Sale in Mali, FSP Research Brief 101, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Prévision de la production agricole à partir des prix observés en début de la campagne de commercialisation
Published on October 23, 2019
Steven Haggblade, Yenizié Koné, Abdramane Traoré et Pierre Traoré, 2019. Prévision de la production agricole à partir des prix observés en début de la campagne de commercialisation. FSP Research Brief 100, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Mechanization in Nigeria: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?
Published on September 18, 2019
Hiroyuki Takeshima and Adam Kennedy, 2019. Mechanization in Nigeria: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?, FSP Research Brief 98, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Transforming Agriculture to Improve Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria
Published on September 18, 2019
Olivier Ecker and Adam Kennedy, 2019. Transforming Agriculture to Improve Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria, FSP Research Brief 99, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Nigeria Land Governance Reform: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?
Published on September 18, 2019
Hosaena Ghebru and Adam Kennedy, 2019. Nigeria Land Governance Reform: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?, FSP Research Brief 97, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Pay, Talk or 'Whip' to Conserve Forests: Framed Field Experiments in Zambia
Published on August 28, 2019
Hambulo Ngoma, Amare Teklay Hailu, Stephen Kabwe, and Arild Angelsen 2019. Pay, Talk or 'Whip' to Conserve Forests: Framed Field Experiments in Zambia, Food Security Policy Research Brief 96, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Regard sur les origines de la subvention des engrais au Mali
Published on August 20, 2019
Yenizié Koné, Alpha Kergna, Abdramane Traoré, Naman Keita, Véronique Thériault, Melinda Smale, Steven Haggblade, 2019. Regard sur les origines de la subvention des engrais au Mali, FSP Research Brief 95- FR, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Introducing Food Safety Labels in Complex Food Supply Chains: Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Nigeria
Published on May 8, 2019
Sanou, Liverpool-Tasie, Vincenzina, Kerr, 2019. Introducing Food Safety Labels in Complex Food Supply Chains: Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Nigeria, FSP Research Brief 93, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Reducing Post-Harvest Losses in Tomatoes
Published on May 7, 2019
Hephzibah Onyeje Obekpa, 2019. Reducing Post-Harvest Losses in Tomatoes, FSP Research Brief 92, East Lansing: Michigan State University. -
Climate Change Adaptation in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector
Published on May 6, 2019
Schmitt-Olabisi, Liverpool-Tasie, Onyeneke, Choko, Osuntade, Sanou, Singa, Chiemela, 2019. Climate Change Adaptation in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector, FSP Research Brief 91, East Lansing: Michigan State University -
Demographic Factors and Nigeria’s Dairy Production for the Year 2015
Published on May 5, 2019
Onyinye Prince Choko, 2019. Demographic Factors and Nigeria’s Dairy Production for the Year 2015, FSP Research Brief 90, East Lansing: Michigan State University.