Join MSU Extension Dairy team for coffee break

These virtual coffee breaks are informal educational conversations with dairy farmers or MSU faculty members that probe a different issue each time. Coffee breaks will take place weekly in March and April 2020 and be available live or recorded.

A group of people sitting down, posing for a picture
From left to right: Stan Moore, Phil Kaatz, Martin Mangual, Paola Bacigalupo, Phil Durst, Marianne Buza

The Michigan State University Extension Dairy Team invites dairy farmers and ag professionals to join them for virtual “coffee breaks”. These coffee breaks with the MSU Dairy Team are a new series of virtual meetings that will occur each Wednesday morning in March and April at 10:00 a.m. They are designed as conversations lasting less than a half hour, that can be listened to live, or listened to as posted recordings any time after those dates.

QR code for the live broadcasts of coffee break with the MSU Dairy team at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays in March and April, 2020

Each virtual coffee break meeting, hosted by an MSU Extension Dairy Educator, will be available on Wednesdays in March and April at 10 a.m. at or by using the QR code in this article.

Episodes will later be available on YouTube in the MSU Extension Dairy Team YouTube channel. Subscribe to the channel to receive notifications when new episodes become available. The series will also be available as a podcast in the future.

The scheduled meetings are:

Coffee Break 1

Coffee Break 2

Coffee Break 3

Coffee Break 4

Coffee Break 5

Coffee Break 6

Coffee Break 7

Coffee Break 8

Coffee Break 9

The recorded podcasts are perfect for busy farmers who can catch the coffee break meeting at their convenience, or join live conversations and ask questions. Your feedback on these conversations are also appreciated. Contact a Dairy Extension Educator and share your thoughts and reactions. MSU Extension Educators and faculty work with farmers and agribusiness professionals to help them apply critical knowledge to needs, opportunities and issues. For more information, visit

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